
Accommodation - Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

Dear Candidates,


Please find below the information about accommodation at Hall of Residence at Academic Campus of TUL


The following documents: 

1. The Regulations of Accommodation  

2. The Accommodation fees 

3. The principles of collecting deposit 

4. Application for accommodation 

5. Declaration 

6. Personal questionnaire 

7. Confirmation of the expected date of arrival - are attached to the announcement at the bottom of the website

8. Confirmation from IDS Office for admission to IDS TUL


The application for accommodation are proceeded by the Doctoral Candidates’ Accommodation Committee for the Lodz University of Technology („komisję właściwą ds. zakwaterowań doktorantów Politechniki Łódzkiej” in the specified by the DCA Committee terms. In order to contact with the DCA Committee please write to: zakwaterowania.dokt@info.p.lodz.pl.


In order to submit your application please send the set of documents to zakwaterowania.dokt@info.p.lodz.pl.


The DCA Committee deliberates on scheduled dates, but it is possible to organize the  DCA Committee meeting beyond the deadline to examine the requests individually. In this situation, please contact zakwaterowania.dokt@info.p.lodz.pl



Please provide as with the information about your expected date of arrival (Annex nr 7) and please include this in the email to zakwaterowania.dokt@info.p.lodz.pl. What is more, please be aware that the room will reserved for one month (30–day) from the date of the expected arrival. In the event of a delay of arrival, it is necessary to provide an application for the extension with justification and a copy of the document confirming the circumstances (why the delay has happened). 


In case of positive decision about your accommodation, the formal registration is fully completed by submitting documents personally in hard copies of all required documents upon you arrival  – application and annexes. 


In case you apply for marriage room for your spouse or partner please provide the appropriate document confirming marital status. 



When you make a copy of your passport please cross the copy with pen and write at the bottom of the page "I provide the copy of my passport for the purpose of accommodation" and place the date and your handwritten signature.



Please combine all files into one file and name NameSurname_IDS e.g. AnnaKowalska_IDS. The file should consist of :

1. Application for accommodation

2. The copy of the passport with the indicated notice as in “IMPORTANT 2”

3. Signed Declaration (two signatures, each below the statement) as files attached at the bottom of the page

4. The copy of the confirmation of admission to IDS

5. Confirmation of the expected date of arrival

6. Document confirming marital status (if applies)



As soon as you arrive to Poland, please contact with IDS Office to get the necessary stamps and confirmation from IDS Office (section H in Application for accommodation), because you need to submit all documents in hard copies (original copies) to Halls of Residence, apart from the confirmation of admission to IDS – it can be a copy of the document.










Date of record:2019-10-11
Date of actualization:2021-04-15

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