Prof. Jarosław Jędrysiak (civil engineering and transport; number of publications from 2017 to 2022: 25; h-index: 21 according to Google Scholar; h-index: 18 according to Scopus; h-index: 15 according to WoS) is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering at Lodz University Technology. He obtained the title of professor of mathematical sciences in 2011.
His main research interests concern structural mechanics and thermo-mechanics of solids, including mathematical modelling of: geometrically linear and non-linear dynamics and stability of beams and plates of micro-uniform structure (periodic or with functional gradation of properties); aspects of dynamics of micro-uniform shells with functional gradation of properties; dynamics and thermo-elasticity of composites with micro-structure (periodic or with functional gradation of properties); heat conduction in composites with functional gradation of properties. Derived from the so-called equation’s tolerant modelling technique of the models which make it possible to analyse the influence of the microstructure size in various thermomechanical problems concerning micro-uniform structures.
He is the author or co-author of 93 scientific articles (including: 74 listed in the Scopus database; 51 listed in the WoS database); 43 chapters in monographs; 4 monographs.
He conducted projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and NCN.
He is a member of the scientific committees of the journals: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Architectura series; Vibrations In Physical Systems; Vibrations, as well as many scientific conferences.
He is the President of the Lodz Branch of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.