
General arrangements for the recognition of prior learning

Arrangements for recognition of prior learning (formal, non-formal, informal) at Lodz University of Technology


In accordance with the Polish law, in force since 2007, students may get credit for some classes provided for in the program of study as a result of the recognition of competences acquired outside the institution. In particular:

-          students who can prove their professional experience or engagement in activities corresponding to the practical classes scheme provided for in the programme of study may get a pass in such practical classes,

-          students holding  a certificate attesting knowledge of a foreign language at the level specified in The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment may be discharged from the obligation to participate in the linguistic classes,

-          students with European Certificate of Computer Skills , formerly known as the European Computer Driving Licence, may be exempted from the obligation to participate in Information Technology classes.


The following list of activities shows activities not covered by the program of study for which a student may receive ECTS points.

-          participation in the work of the student research club,

-          participation in the research project,

-          participation in the research project carried out and addressing the needs of industry,

-          professional work at the appropriate post,

-          gaining professional qualifications attested by the relevant certificates,

-          participation in the lectures/seminars conducted by representatives of the companies (in the case of passing the test),

-          placement in a foreign company,

-          sports achievements


The precise details on the criteria under which students may receive ECTS points have been included in the effective study regulations at the Lodz University of Technology.  Paragraph 16 specifies that: “The student participating in research works, courses, training or other forms of formal, non-formal or informal education can be entitled to exemption from a part of, or from the entire course in a subject, for which he has attained the learning outcomes specified within the framework of the aforesaid forms of education.  Decisions regarding the exemption and potential credits are taken by the dean after obtaining a written opinion of the appropriate course coordinator”.


It should be noted that the basis for the recognition of the effects of prior learning is the analysis of learning outcomes.  When it comes to informal learning, the University is developing specific procedures enabling the recognition of learning outcomes acquired through informal learning - in the workplace or in other circumstances of everyday life.  The Validation Centre, whose appointment has been planned for the nearest future, will be responsible for organizing – from the administrative perspective all stages of the validation process from the identification process, through a process of documentation and verification ending with the final process of recognition and validation.

Date of record:2013-05-31
Date of actualization:2019-09-12

Submitted by:
Agnieszka Michałowska-Dutkiewicz