

Action 1




Implementation of best practices in the recruitment of researchers  – preparing a set of procedures and forms to handle the process and monitoring the implementation
(continuation of actions)


Responsible Unit:

Office of University Development and Human Resources

Contact: 42 631 29 20, rozwoj@adm.p.lodz.pl



The Code "Good practices in organization of competitions for the positions of academic teachers at Lodz University of Technology".



Counseling with regard to diagnosis of personality and competence predispositions of candidates through administrating competence and psychological tests


Responsible Unit:

Department of Innovation and Cooperation with Business (Careers Service Office)

Contact: 42 631 20 98, biuro@biurokarier.p.lodz.pl



Creating  recruitment paths for individual posts  for academic teachers


Responsible Unit:

Office of University Development and Human Resources

Contact: 42 631 29 20, rozwoj@adm.p.lodz.pl



Introducing performance appraisals for Rector’s Administrative Offices staff in order to increase the competences of the administrative personnel, supporting the researchers 


Responsible Unit:

Office of University Development and Human Resources

Contact: 42 631 29 20, rozwoj@adm.p.lodz.pl



Zarządzenie Nr 02/2018 Rektora Politechniki Łódzkiej z dnia 26 kwietnia 2018 r. w sprawie okresowej oceny pracy i potencjału zawodowego pracowników Politechniki Łódzkiej zatrudnionych w administracji rektorskiej.


Date of record:2018-05-10
Date of actualization:2018-05-14

Submitted by:
Bartłomiej Gałązka