
Tło główne
Tło główne
Tło główne
HR Excellence in Research - baner

Announcement No. 1/2020 of Rector of TUL of 11 March 2020

Announcement No. 1/2020 of Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 11 March 2020 issued on the basis of Ordinance No 21/2020 of Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 9 March 2020

on specific arrangements related to prevention, counteraction and combat of COVID-19 at Lodz University of Technology


  1. Following the decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 11 March 2020, teaching activities are suspended from 12 March 2020 to 14 April 2020 in all modes and at all levels of education, except those conducted in the form of remote education. This applies to full-time and part-time studies of first cycle, second cycle, doctoral studies, the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology, postgraduate studies, courses and trainings.                                                                                                        This also applies to examinations, course completion tests, consultations and other forms requiring direct contact with people. This does not apply to diploma examinations whose deadline was set before the date of entry into force of this Announcement.
  2. All activities of the Łódź Children's University of TUL and the University of the Third Age of TUL are suspended
  3. All conferences, university and faculty events as well as other events organised by the university on the premises of Lodz University of Technology are cancelled.
  4. All foreign business trips and the participation of staff, doctoral students and students in national conferences are suspended, with domestic business travel being limited to what is strictly necessary. The dean or the head of the university organizational unit decides about the purposefulness of the domestic business trip and grants his consent. In the case of central administration, the Rector, the competent Vice-Rector, the Chancellor and the Bursar respectively decide on that matter.
  5. The arrival of foreign guests at Lodz University Technology is suspended.
  6. Accommodation of new persons in student dormitories at TUL is suspended and a ban on external visitors is imposed.
  7. Leaving the accommodation in TUL dormitories is recommended.
  8. The activity of the Academic Sports and Education Centre of Lodz University Technology "Sports Bay" and the TUL Library is suspended, however, in the case of the TUL Library, the activity of the loans desk area and the reading room are suspended.
  9. Trainings in the sports sections of the Sports Centre of Lodz University of Technology and University Club of the Academic Sport Association TUL taking place in the facilities of Lodz University of Technology are suspended.
  10. Projects implemented by student organizations and scientific clubs are suspended, with the exception of the broadcasting activity of the Student Radio Żak of Lodz University of Technology.
  11. It is recommended to use e-mail correspondence and telephone contacts and to limit direct contacts.
  12. The direct superior may instruct the employee to perform, for a fixed period of time, the work specified in the employment contract, outside the place of its permanent performance in the form of the so-called remote work. The immediate superior decides about the scope and time of performing remote work.
  13. The University oparates without any changes in other areas.
  14. All questions should be sent to e-mail addresses respectively:

-    staff and doctoral students: koronawirus.pracownik@info.p.lodz.pl

-    students: koronawirus.student@info.p.lodz.pl 

15. Further information will be furnished in subsequent announcements.

16. The Announcement comes into force on 11 March 2020 and is valid from 12 March 2020 to 14 April 2020.








Date of record:2020-03-12
Date of actualization:
end date:
Submitted by:
Anna Boczkowska