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Friendly letter for international students from Deputy Minister Prof. Wojciech Maksymowicz

Dear International Students!


You left your home countries, your family and friends to go study abroad. You chose to gain academic education in our country at Polish universities - some of you using the Erasmus Plus program, others awarded by scholarships from the National Agency od Academic Exchange or through bilateral agreements between the Polish government and other countries, and the majority of you with support from your families or your own funding. A month ago, probably very few of you realized that you will be facing much more difficult challenges than passing exams, earning credits, living in a different culture or trying to use Polish language. The situation has changed suddenly because of the pandemic caused the rapid worldwide spread of Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

Poland is fighting Coronavirus by implementing rigorous restrictions as advised by the World Health Organization with a goal of limiting the number of cases as much as possible. Those restrictions also apply to members of the Polish academic community. The universities suspend didactic activities i.e. lectures, classes, labs and other courses – except for online classes. Students who are able to return to their homes have been asked to leave the dormitories. However, the international students who are not able or do not wish to return to their home countries will be guaranteed university housing. I would also like to assure you that Polish NAWA governmental scholarships will be still disbursed in a timely manner as long as you follow the recommendations of your universities including registering for online classes. This is a rapidly evolving situation so please check frequently for updates on dedicated website Ready Study Go! Poland: www.go-poland.pl – the official website for international students, and of course on websites of your host universities. They will not leave you nor abandon you; you can count on their help and ours. It is crucially important to obey the quarantine or any isolation plan imposed on you by your universities, the health care service or the sanitary, or local authorities. If you receive the message on such a decision, please take this seriously.


Take good care of yourself, monitor your health status and alert the health service if something unusual happens. Remember #zostańwdomu, #stayhome, means keeping social distance – our scientifically proven method to battle against the virus. Don’t be scared to ask for help. I can tell you from personal experience that 99% of the time you will find people who will be more than happy to help you, guide you, or just give you some much needed advice of you simply ask.


University staff at International Relation Offices is standing ready to give you a hand, symbolic hand. The National Agency for Academic Exchange has established a special info line in English and Students’ Parliament of the Republic od Poland opened a help desk for foreign students – they speak 10 languages, so hopefully you will be able to obtain information in your mother language.


Circumstances are extraordinary and different than we expected a few weeks ago, but please remember we are all passing the most important exam: the exam of maintaining solidarity and responsibility as a society. I am sure that the experience of living in another country at this time will give you the type of knowledge and experience that cannot be obtained in books or classrooms.


Please take good care of yourselves and each other at this time.

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Maksymowicz

Secretary of State

Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Date of record:2020-04-07
Date of actualization:
end date:
Submitted by:
Anna Boczkowska