

Professor Łukasz Albrecht

Professor Łukasz Albrecht

Chemical Sciences


Professor Łukasz AlbrechtProfessor Łukasz Albrecht (no. of publications in 2013-2017: 34; FWCI: 1.51; h-index: 24; publications in Top 10 Citation percentile: 23.5%). His scientific interests concentrate on the field of asymmetric catalysis, a highly relevant topic in the contemporary organic chemistry.


His research deals with the synthesis and utilization of organic catalysts with strictly defined spatial arrangement of substituents. He research results find applications as highly innovative tools for the preparation of new drugs, pesticides and other organic molecules.


In 2009-2013, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of prof. Karl Anker Jorgensena (Aarhus University, Denmark).


He has been a Principal Investigator in various research projects financed by NCN (SONATA Bis, OPUS, Sheng), NCBiR (Lider) and FNP (Kolumb, Homing).


He has received numerous awards for his scientific contributions including Young Scientist Medal (Warsaw University of Technology), W. Kołos Scientific Award (Polish Academy of Sciences), award for outstanding scientific achievements for young scientists (Polish Academy of Sciences), Professor Mieczysław Mąkosza Scientific Award, and he has been a finalist of the Scientific Award of the newsmagazine Polityka.

Date of record:2019-07-05
Date of actualization:2019-07-08

Submitted by:
Filip Podgórski