

Professor Piotr Ulański

Professor Piotr Ulański

Scientific discipline: Chemical Sciences


Professor Piotr UlańskiProfessor Piotr Ulański (international cooperation: 33.3%; h-index: 24) his scientific interests are: mechanism and kinetics of fast reactions initiated by ionizing radiation in polymer systems, polymerization and cross-linking, synthesis and properties of polymeric nanogels, sonochemistry of polymers, pulse radiolysis, new experimental methods for studying reaction mechanisms, nano- and bio-materials (mainly hydrogels) for medicine.


He has co-authored 87 articles and has been granted 11 patents. He is a co-author of 4 popular science films scripts for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.


He is has been a manager and contractor of national and international research projects (5-7 FP, Horizon 2020, Eureka!, IAEA), including NATO grant with the Massachusetts University of Technology.


He is the Fellow of the Humboldt Foundation, and expert of the International Atomic Energy Agency; on its behalf, he has conducted technical missions in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.


He has lectured at the Universities of Reims (France), Wrexham (United Kingdom), Puna (India), Bangkok (Thailand) and Quito (Ecuador) and hasreviewed over 250 papers for international scientific journals.


He is the editor-in-chief of Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Elsevier, IF 1.984).

Date of record:2019-07-05
Date of actualization:2019-07-12

Submitted by:
Filip Podgórski