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TUL has signed an agreement with Ecole Polytechnique De Thiès in Senegal

Guests from the French-speaking country of West Africa are interested in cooperating with Lodz University of Technology.  Sławomir Wiak, the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, met with professor Alassane DIÈNE, the Director of Ecole Polytechnique in Thiès and professor Mamadou Lamine LO, the Head of the Department for Foreign Cooperation, to sign an agreement on educational and scientific cooperation.


Podpisanie umowy o współpracy z uczelnią techniczną w Senegalu, fot. Jacek Szabela


Signing the cooperation agreement with the technical university in Senegal, photo: Jacek Szabela


Representatives of the Senagal university visited the faculties and laboratories of Lodz University of Technology related to the fields in which the Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès conducts research and educates. They visited laboratories at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Information Technology Centre, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering and the LabFactor.


As Mr. Amadou Dabo, Ambassador of the Republic of Senegal to Poland, said during his March visit to Lodz University of Technology, higher education in his home country is undergoing changes. It is to focus more on technical sciences and technologies than before. Senegal has only two "polytechnic schools" and will gladly use the experience of Lodz University of Technology to support their development. The first step towards future cooperation is to establish contacts with the university in Thiès.

Date of record:2019-11-19
Date of actualization:
end date:
Submitted by:
Anna Boczkowska
Podpisanie umowy o współpracy z uczelnią techniczną w Senegalu, fot. Jacek Szabela