

Action 2





Preparing procedures for internships in scientific research units as a mobility encouraging instrument – implementation, promotion of the solution
(continuation of actions)


Responsible Unit:

Office of University Development and Human Resources

Contact: 42 631 29 20, rozwoj@adm.p.lodz.pl



Intensifying the University's efforts in appointing scholars for the position of visiting professor, monitoring the implementation of the process
(continuation of actions)


Responsible Unit:

Office of Scientific Affairs

Contact: 42 631 20 40, rnb@adm.p.lodz.pl



Ścieżka zatrudnienia profesora wizytującego w Politechnice Łódzkiej



A platform for experience exchange – an instrument  encouraging the implementation of best practices  acquired by staff within various forms of mobility


Responsible Unit:

Office of University Development and Human Resources

Contact: 42 631 29 20, rozwoj@adm.p.lodz.pl



Webpage bookmark on www.p.lodz.pl for people  from the outside of TUL , interested in short-term  forms of scientific and didactic mobility at TUL


Responsible Unit:

Office of Scientific Affairs

Contact: 42 631 20 40, rnb@adm.p.lodz.pl



Completed actions (Action Plan 2016-2018)

A.2.2. Preparing procedures for research internships as an instrument encouraging mobility



Pismo Rektora PŁ ws. staży przemysłowych
Umowa ramowa - staże przemysłowe
Procedura regulująca odbywanie staży przemysłowych
Wniosek w sprawie stażu przemysłowego
Materiał informacyjny - staże przemysłowe





Date of record:2018-05-10
Date of actualization:2018-05-14

Submitted by:
Bartłomiej Gałązka