Authored on 11/09/2021 - 11:15
Kategorie aktualności

This year's ISEF (International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields) was held remotely, bringing together participants from 16 countries worldwide. It is an internationally recognised scientific event on electromagnetic fields. The organisation of the jubilee edition was entrusted to the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems at TUL. The conference was held under the honorary patronage of the Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik.

Article written by Łukasz Szymański, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems


The symposium has been organised every two years for almost half a century. The first one took place in 1974 in Uniejów and gave rise to cyclic symposia, which quickly gained worldwide renown. Conferences have so far been held in Spain, France, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal, the UK, the Czech Republic, Greece and Slovenia.

Emphasis on applications

ISEF conferences are distinguished by the applied aspect of the topics undertaken. With each edition, the programme is expanded in line with trends in global technological development.
ISEF bring together an international community of scientists, engineers and designers. The meetings contribute to cooperation and information exchange between the world of science and economy. The innovative character of the topics also results in establishing international scientific and economic cooperation.

The themes of ISEF 2021

In this year's jubilee edition, the Scientific Steering Committee with its chairman Prof. Sławomir Wiak considered the exchange of experience and discussion of the latest achievements in the field of modelling and simulation, control systems, testing, measurements, monitoring, diagnostics and advanced software methodology applied to electrical and electronic devices and mechatronic systems as the main goal.
The topics also included such important issues for the Polish economy as telecommunication networks, electromobility, electric vehicles and development of electric machines.
The international group of speakers presented 78 papers selected by the International Committee. In plenary lectures professors: Paolo Di Barba, Andrzej Krawczyk, Ewa Korzeniewska, Maria Evelina Mognaschi, Sławomir Wiak presented discoveries connected with the field of modelling.
In a vote the Steering Committee of the conference decided that the next edition of ISEF will be held in 2023 in Pavia (Italy).