Lodz University of Technology
116 Żeromskiego Street, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
Phone +48 42 631 29 29
International Faculty of Engineering - TUL International Cooperation Center
Information for International Candidates
36 Zwirki Street, Lodz, Poland
90-924 Lodz, Poland
phone: +48 42 638 38 78, + 48 42 638 38 63, +48 42 638 38 64
Lodz University of Technology's Virtual Campus
The "Interactive Map of the Campus of Lodz University of Technology" application is now available for download from the Google Play and App Store.
The map can also be accessed from a web browser.
The application helps in navigating outdoor areas and inside buildings of Lodz University of Technology. The system offers services for searching for interesting objects (with a wide range of data filtering options, including accessibility) and help in reaching a specific destination.
The task "Supporting Technologies - Interactive Map of Lodz University of Technology Campus" was funded by the Accessible Lodz University of Technology Project, co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020. The project is implemented as part of the competition of the National Center for Research and Development, Measure 3.5 Comprehensive Programs of Universities.

Campus A
A16 - The International Faculty of Engineering (IFE) has been providing education in technical faculties in English and French for over 25 years
A34 - Alchemium - the magic of the chemistry of tomorrow (Faculty of Chemistry) is the latest investment project of Lodz University of Technology. The complex will consist of two connected parts: a laboratory and teaching building of the Chemistry Faculty, and a conference and didactic centre.
A18 - The Factory of 21st Century Engineerings (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) is the newest building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Its five floors will house, e.g.: a technology hall, 4 measurement laboratories, 9 technology rooms and 9 didactic rooms, 5 lecture halls, 8 seminar rooms, 26 teaching and didactic-laboratory rooms and 5 IT rooms.
A1 - LabFactor (Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering W9) is the newest building of the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, equipped with apparatus compatible with technologies used in industry. The building is a laboratory base for research and teaching in such areas as process engineering, biochemical engineering, environmental engineering.
A33 – Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design. The building houses: the Institute of Fashion Design, Institute of Materials Science of Polymer Textiles and Composites, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical Computer Science and Polymer Product Chemistry, Department of Knitting Technologies and Textile Mechanics.
A2 – Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences. The building houses, e.g., the Institute of Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology, Institute of Food Technology and Analysis, Institute of Natural Resources and Cosmetics.
A13 - Admission Office and Diploma Section In this building the documents of candidates for studies are accepted and diplomas of completing bachelor's, engineering, master's and doctoral studies are issued.
Campus B
B3 - Rector's Office. TUL Rectorate is housed in the villa of the 19th century factory owner, Josef Richter.
B15 - Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics. The revitalised building of the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics comprises 4 auditoriums, 13 teaching laboratories, computer rooms, project and seminar rooms as well as rooms for students' individual work.
B28 – TUL Sports and Education Centre "Sports Bay" is one of the most modern sports facilities in Poland. The inhabitants of Łódź have at their disposal, e.g., a 50-metre Olympic swimming pool, a 25-metre swimming pool with an adjustable bottom, a 17-metre climbing wall (one of the highest in Poland), badminton and squash courts and a sports and entertainment hall.
B22 - Library. The TUL Library collects, describes and makes available books, journals, standards, patents and other materials necessary for studies, research and teaching. The building at 223 Wólczańska Street also houses the TUL IT Centre, TUL Publishing House, Biblio-Art Gallery and the Children's University in Łódź.
B6, B7 - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering. The buildings house: the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations, Department of Concrete Construction, Department of Building Materials Physics and Sustainable Construction, Department of Construction Mechanics.
B-19 Information Technology Centre is an interdepartmental unit where future computer scientists are trained. The Centre offers 21 specialised laboratories and 4 video-conference rooms, as well as a cinema room with 3D imaging.