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We inform you that starting from January 1, 2025, the law of November 18, 2020, on electronic deliveries will come into effect, which obliges universities to adopt a new method of delivering correspondence created during doctoral studies to doctoral candidates—referred to as e-Deliveries.

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Please find attached the content of the Announcement of the Vice-Rector of Student Affairs at TUL on the rules of verification of students and other persons involved in the organization of events initiated by students in connection with the provisions of the Act of 13 May 2016 on counteracting threats of sexual offences and the protection of minors

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Please find attached the announcement of the Vice- Rector for Students' Affairs on determining courses and classes outside the study program that are mandatory for students in implementing the study plan in the academic year 2024/2025

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Announcement Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology June 17, 2024. on the amount of particular types of benefits for students of Lodz University of Technology in the winter semester of the academic year 2024/25

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Announcement Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at TUL June 17, 2024. Concerning the modes, forms and deadlines for submitting applications for material aid for students of Lodz University of Technology in the academic year 2024/25

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Announcement Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology of 10 June 2024 on the fees for educational services and other services provided at full-time and part-time, first-cycle and second-cycle degree programs as well as postgraduate programs and other forms of education at Lodz University of Technology charged to persons who are Polish citizens and other persons not listed in Article 324(2) of the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science, starting the education cycle in the academic year 2024/25

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Please find attatched the Announcement of the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Vice Rector for Education on the principles of settling and documenting forms of education implemented by the students of Lodz University as part of the ECIU Consortium

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Please find attached the Announcement on the rules for accounting and documenting educational forms implemented by the students of Lodz University of Technology within ECIU.

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Pleae gind attatched the Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology dated May 30, 2023 on unification of specimens of documents used in the graduation procedure of first- and second-cycle studies at Lodz University of Technology

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Please find attached the Announcement oof Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at Lodz University of Technology of 24 May 2023 on tuition fees and fees for other services provided as part of full-time and part-time studies at first- and second-cycles as well as postgraduate studies and other forms of education at Lodz University of Technology charged to non-Polish citizens not listed in Article 324(2) of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science, starting the study cycle in the academic year 2023/24.

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Please find attached the Announcement on the deadline for students to apply for parking spaces on Campus A, B, C and in Zone VIII of Lodz University of Technology Student House in the winter semester of the academic year 2022/2023.