Łódzki Klaster ICT

The Lodz ICT Cluster was established in 2012 at the initiative of Lodz University of Technology, which continues to coordinate its activities. The cluster brings together over 40 entities, including ICT industry companies, business environment institutions, and higher education institutions in Lodz. Our initiative focuses on integrating the Lodz ICT sector across various aspects, such as enhancing the quality of education for the industry, building awareness of Lodz as a high-tech city, and developing an ecosystem of mutual cooperation.
Cluster Structure: The cluster is fundamentally about people—its activities are led by Prof. Paweł Strumiłło, Vice-Rector for Development at Lodz University of Technology and Chairman of the Cluster Council.
The Cluster Council consists of representatives from all cluster participants and makes decisions regarding its operations, including the admission of new members.
The Steering Committee proposes development directions and activities undertaken by the cluster. The Cluster Steering Committee is chaired by Grzegorz Trzcinski of Eviden, and task team chairs are part of the Committee.
There are Task Teams within the Cluster: Education Task Team (chaired by Adam Włodarczyk from Commerzbank), Promotion Task Team (chaired by Anna Pawłowska from Vention), Business Cooperation Task Team (chaired by Bartek Szymański from Idemia). Members from Lodz University of Technology participate in these task teams, including representatives from the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering (EEIA) and the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics (FTIMS), with overall coordination handled by the University’s Development Department.
Cluster Activities:
The Lodz ICT Cluster organizes the largest IT event in the region—the Lodz IT Days (targeted at students and IT enthusiasts)—and runs the "Join IT in Lodz" campaign promoting career development opportunities in local companies. Additionally, it promotes modern technologies through technology debates titled "Trendy I(T) Rewolucje" and co-organizes economic events like the European Economic Forum. The cluster actively collaborates with representatives from the City of Lodz and regional authorities as well as business environment institutions and other entrepreneurial organizations.
The cluster supports the development of future specialists through various initiatives, including curriculum reviews, classroom observations by specialists, and a unique nationwide program for recommending subjects. More information can be found at www.ictcluster.pl.
Klaster „LODZistics”

General Information: The "LODZistics" Cluster, formally operating as the Employers' Association "LODZistics" – Logistics Business Network of Central Poland, was founded in 2016 at the initiative of a group interested in developing logistics in the Lodz region, including Lodz University of Technology. It encompasses nearly 60 entities: service companies including logistics operators, manufacturing, trading, IT, consulting firms, business environment institutions, and educational sectors. The cluster creates a synergy effect through a culture of cooperation and combining its members' potentials.
Cluster Structure:
Management Board: The President is Dr. Marek Sekieta from the Faculty of Organization and Management at Lodz University of Technology; Vice-President is Łukasz Michałowski from Raben Logistics Polska; Members include Krzysztof Chaładyn from Otimo and Anna Kaczuba from Corning Optical Communications Polska.
Council: Serves as an advisory body chaired by Jakub Mikołajczyk from InPost; Vice-Chairpersons include Grzegorz Stańczak representing ID Logistics Distribution and Rafał Augustyniak from Geis PL.
General Assembly: Representatives meet at least once a year during the General Assembly.
Cluster Office: LODZistics activities are coordinated by the Cluster Office within the University’s Development Department.
Cluster Activities:
Conferences: LODZistics has been co-organizing the Logistic and Warehouse Trends industry conference since 2022. It is also a content partner of many conferences and more than a dozen business events, e.g. European Economic Forum, Industry Day, Integrated Safety Systems in Logistics and Industry, Work Safety Depends on You.
Trade fairs: one of the forms of promoting the activities of LODZistics and its members, an opportunity to follow trends in the sector, e.g. Modernlog, MT TSL, Intralogistica, Translogistica.
Networking: an important aspect of the cluster's life, both during official events and, for example, during study visits and business breakfasts (New Year Reception International Business Mixer, Business after Lodz, business galas).
The cluster actively interacts with local government authorities, e.g. during the update of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Lodz Voivodship, where Mobility and Logistics of the Future was included as a new Regional Smart Specialization.
The cluster, together with Lodz University of Technology, is a partner in a project concerning the creation of an Industry Skills Center in the field of logistics, based in Grodzisk Mazowiecki. More information can be found at www.lodzistics.pl