Academic year starts on 1st October 2023 and ends on 30th September 2024.

Winter semester
01.10.2023 – 25.02.2024

02.10.2023 – 31.01.2024 

Christmas holiday
22.12.2023  – 02.01.2024 

Winter assessment period:
01.02.2024 – 11.02.2024 
19.02.2024 – 25.02.2024 

Winter holydays
12.02.2024 – 18.02.2024 

Additional days off

08.11.2023-  Friday schedule of classes

Summer semester

26.02.2024 r. – 30.09.2024 r.

Class periods in first-cycle and second-cycle studies, except for classes in the first semester of second-cycle studies starting from the summer semester 2023/2024 - 26.02.2024 - 23.06.2024.

in the first semester of second-cycle studies starting from the summer semester 2023/2024:

11.03.2024 – 23.06.2024

Summer assessment period
24.06.2024 – 07.07.2024
09.09.2024 – 18.09.2024

Spring holidays
29.03.2024 – 02.04.2024

Summer holiday
08.07.2024 – 08.09.2024

Additional days off
19.09.2024 -30.09.2024 


03.04.2024 - Friday schedule of classes

  • Schedule of part-time studies meetings in the academic year 2023/2024 at Lodz University of Technology.

Winter semester:

I    07-08.10.2023
II    14-15.10.2023
III    21-22.10.2023
IV    18-19.11.2023
V    25-26.11.2023
VI    09-10.12.2023
VII    16-17.12.2023
VIII    13-14.01.2024
IX    20-21.01.2024
X    27-28.01.2024

SUMMER SEMESTER in all first-cycle and second-cycle studies, except for classes in the first semester of second-cycle studies starting from the summer semester 2023/2024
I    02-03.03.2024 
II    09-10.03.2024
III    16-17.03.2024
IV    06-07.04.2024
V    13-14.04.2024
VI    20-21.04.2024
VII    11-12.05.2024
VIII    25-26.05.2024
IX    08-09.06.2024
X    22-23.06.2024

SUMMER SEMESTER in the first semester of second-cycle studies starting from the summer semester 2023/2024

I    16-17.03.2024
II    23-24.03.2024
III    06-07.04.2024
IV    13-14.04.2024
V    20-21.04.2024
VI    11-12.05.2024
VII    25-26.05.2024
VIII    08-09.06.2024
IX    15 -16.06.2024
X    22-23.06.2024

Winter semester
01.10.2023 – 25.02.2024

02.10.2023 – 31.01.2024

Winter assessment period
01.02.2024 – 11.02.2024 i 19.02.2024 - 25.02.2024       

Winter holidays
12.02.2024– 18.02.2024

Final date for taking the university pledge by new students starting studies in the winter semester

Deadline for submitting a declaration of acceptance and commitment to comply with the terms of study and collection of fees related to full-time studies by students starting their studies in the winter semester

Deadline for submitting a declaration of acceptance and commitment to comply with the terms of study and collection of fees related to part-time studies by students starting their studies in the winter semester


Deadline for submitting the diploma thesis in the winter semester

27.02.2024 - 12:00  PM

Deadline for entering grades in ZTN. The ZTN terminal is blocked.

from 27.02.2024 - 12:01  PM

Verification of grades by students.

Grade changes introduced in dean's offices.

29.02.2024 - 15:00 PM    
No more checking grades and making changes to grades in ZSID

01.03.2024 - 09:00 AM    
Automatic settlement of the winter semester and printing of periodic student achievement cards

from 01.03.2024 - 09:00 AM

Approval of periodic student achievement cards. Making individual decisions regarding changing registration for the summer semester

Summer semester

26.02.2024 – 30.09.2024

for first- and second-cycle studies, with the exception of courses in semester 1 of second-cycle studies starting from the summer semester 2023/2024
26.02.2024 – 23.06.2024

for semester 1 of second-cycle studies starting in the summer semester 2023/2024
11.03.2024 r. – 23.06.2024 r.

24.06.2024 – 07.07.2024 and 09.09.2024-18.09.2024

08.07.2024 – 08.09.2024

15.04.2024 r.
Deadline for taking the academic oath for students starting their studies from the summer semester

Deadline for submission of the statement of acceptance and commitment to comply with the conditions of study and fees for full-time students commencing their studies from the summer semester

Deadline for submission of a declaration of acceptance and commitment to comply with the conditions of study and fees for part-time students commencing their studies from the summer semester

Deadline for the submission of the thesis in the summer semester

19.09.2024 – godz.23:59
Deadline for entering grades in the ZTN. The ZTN terminal is blocked.

od 20.09.2024 - godz. 00:00
Verification of grades by students. Changes to grades made in deaneries.

23.09.2024 - godz. 15:00
End of grade verification and grade changes in the ZSID

23.09.2024 - godz. 15:00
Automatic settlement of the winter semester and printing of students' academic progress sheets

23.09.2024 - godz. 15:00
Approval of students' academic progress sheets. Making individual registration decisions for the next academic year.

The academic year begins on 1 October 2024 and ends on 30 September 2025.


01.10.2024 – 02.03.2025

Class period 01.10.2024 – 02.02.2025

Winter exam session

03.02.2025 – 16.02.2025 

24.02.2025 – 02.03.2025 

Winter holidays

17.02.2025 – 23.02.2025

Additional days off


Christmas break:

21.12.2024 – 06.01.2025


- 12.11.2024 classes take place as scheduled for Monday

-  08.01.2025 classes take place as scheduled for Monday


03.03.2025 – 30.09.2025

Class periods
for first cycle and second cycle studies, with the exception of classes in semester 1 of second cycle studies starting from the summer semester 2024/2025:

03.03.2025 – 24.06.2025 

for semester 1 of the second cycle studies starting in the summer semester 2024/2025:

17.03.2025 – 24.06.2025 

Summer exam session

25.06.2025 – 07.07.2025

08.09.2025 – 15.09.2025

Summer holidays:
08.07.2025 – 07.09.2025 

Spring break:

18.04.2025 – 22.04.2025

Additional days off
02.05.2025; 20.06.2025 
from 16.09.2025 to 30.09.2025


- 14.04.2025 classes take place as scheduled for Friday

 - 18.06.2025 classes take place as scheduled for Thursday

-  24.06.2025 classes take place as scheduled for Friday

for all first and second cycle studie

I 05-06.10.2024

II 12-13.10.2024

 III 26-27.10.2024

IV 16-17.11.2024

V 23-24.11.2024

VI 07-08.12.2024

VII 14-15.12.2024

VIII 11-12.01.2025

IX 18-19.01.2025

X 01-02.02.2025

for all first and second cycle studies except for courses in semester 1 of the second cycle studie

I 08-09.03.2025 
II 15-16.03.2025
III 29-30.03.2025 
IV 05-06.04.2025
V 12-13.04.2025
VI 26-27.04.2025
VII 10-11.05.2025
VIII 17-18.05.2025
IX 31.05-01.06.2025
X 14-15.06.2025 

for semester 1 of second-cycle studies starting in the summer semester 2024/2025

I 22-23.03.2025 
II 29-30.03.2025
III 05-06.04.2025
IV 12-13.04.2025
V 26-27.04.2025
VI 10-11.05.2025
VII 17-18.05.2025
VIII 24-25.05.2025
IX 31.05-01.06.2025
X 14-15.06.2025 

01.10.2024 – 02.03.2025

01.10.2024 – 02.02.2025

03.02.2025 – 16.02.2025 i 24.02.2025 - 02.03.2025       

17.02.2025– 23.02.2025

Academic oath deadline for students starting their studies from the winter semester

Deadline for submission of declaration of acceptance and commitment to comply with the terms and conditions of study and fees for full-time students commencing their studies from the winter semeste

Deadline for submission of a declaration of acceptance and commitment to comply with the terms and conditions of study and fees for part-time students starting their studies in the winter semester

Deadline for the submission of the thesis in the winter semester

04.03.2025 - 12:00 Deadline for entering grades in the ZTN. The ZTN terminal is blocked.
from 04.03.2025 - 12:01 Verification of grades by students. Changes to grades made in deaneries.
06.03.2025 - 15:00 End of grade verification and grade changes in the ZSID
07.03.2025 - 09:00 Automatic settlement of the winter semester and printing of students' academic progress sheets
from 07.03.2025 - 09:00 Approval of students' academic progress sheets. Making individual decisions on changing registration for the summer term.


03.03.2025 – 30.09.2025

for first- and second-cycle studies, with the exception of courses in semester 1 of second-cycle studies starting from the summer semester 2024/2025.
03.03.2025 – 24.06.2025

for semester 1 of second-cycle studies starting in the summer semester 2024/2025
17.03.2025 – 24.06.2025

25.06.2025 – 07.07.2025 and 08.09.2025-15.09.2025 

08.07.2025 – 07.09.2025
Deadline for taking the academic oath for students starting their studies from the summer semester - 07.04.2025

Deadline for submission of the statement of acceptance and commitment to comply with the conditions of study and fees for full-time students commencing their studies from the summer semester - 16.04.2025

Deadline for submission of a declaration of acceptance and commitment to comply with the conditions of study and fees for part-time students commencing their studies from the summer semester - 16.04.2025

Deadline for the submission of the thesis in the summer semester - 15.09.2025

16.09.2025 – 21:00 Deadline for entering grades in the ZTN. The ZTN terminal is blocked.
from 17.09.2025 – 9:00 Verification of grades by students. Changes to grades made in deaneries.
18.09.2025 - 15:00 End of grade verification and grade changes in the ZSID
19.09.2025 - 09:00 Automatic settlement of the winter semester and printing of students' academic progress sheets
from 19.09.2025 - 09:01 Approval of students' academic progress sheets. Making individual registration decisions for the next academic year.