Studies at Lodz University of Technology are conducted at 9 main faculties, at the International Faculty of Engineering and at the Papermaking and Printing Centre. The educational offer includes 68 fields of study of practical and academic profile.
Tuition is provided on a full-time and part-time basis. We conduct first-cycle, as well as second-cycle studies awarded with a Master’s degree (MSc or MA). Lodz University of Technology offers education in engineering and technical sciences, science and natural sciences, social sciences, agricultural sciences and arts.
TUL also offers a number of courses taught in English:
- Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materialsopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Biomedical Enegineering and Technologiesopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Business Studiesopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Business, Society and Technologyopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Computer Scienceopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Computer Science and Information Technologyopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Electronic and Telecommunication Engineeringopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Energy System in the Built Environmentopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Human – Computer Interactionopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Industrial Biotechnologyopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Industrial Biotechnologyopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Information Technologyopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Master in Mechanical Engineeringopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Master of Business Studiesopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Master of Operations Managementopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Mechanical Engineeringopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Modelling and Data Scienceopens in new window (First-cycle).
and in French:
- Gestion et technologieopens in new window (First-cycle).
Within other courses specific specializations are conducted in English:
- Applied Electronicsopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Architecture opens in new window(First-cycle),
- Architecture opens in new window(Second-cycle),
- Nanotechnology opens in new window(Second-cycle),
- Designopens in new window (Second-cycle),
- Textiles and Fashion Industryopens in new window (First-cycle),
- Textile Engineeringopens in new window (Second-cycle).
Specializations such as Bioeconomy and Chemistry of Building Materials are carried out in cooperation with the best universities in the country, such as AGH University of Science and Technology, Gdansk University of Technology or Warsaw University of Technology.
Moreover, at TUL it is possible to study Nanotechnology or Electronics and Telecommunications (second-cycle studies), where the education process is carried out in cooperation with foreign universities (University of Twente, University of Naples Federico II) and graduate with a double diplomaopens in new window.
- Automation and Robot Controlopens in new window;
- Actuary and Financial Analysisopens in new window;
- Advanced Biobased and Bioinspired Materialsopens in new window;
- Advanced Design and Technologyopens in new window;
- Applied Computer Science;opens in new window
- Applied Electronics;opens in new window
- Applied Mathematics;opens in new window
- Architectureopens in new window;
- Architecture (english)opens in new window;
- Bioeconomyopens in new window;
- Biomedical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Biomedical Engineering and Technologiesopens in new window;
- Biotechnologyopens in new window;
- Business and Technologyopens in new window;
- Business Studiesopens in new window;
- Chemical Analyticsopens in new window,
- Chemical and Biochemical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Chemical Technologyopens in new window;
- Chemistryopens in new window;
- Chemistry of Building Materialsopens in new window;
- Civil Engineeringopens in new window;
- Computer Scienceopens in new window;
- Control Systems of Intelligent Buildingopens in new window;
- Designopens in new window;
- Ecotechnologies and Bioprocessesopens in new window;
- Electrical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Electronic and Telecommunication Engineeringopens in new window;
- Environmental Engineeringopens in new window;
- Environmental Engineering in Civil Constructionopens in new window
- Food and Nutrition Manageropens in new window;
- Food Technology and Human Nutritionopens in new window;
- Gestion et technologieopens in new window;
- Industrial Biotechnologyopens in new window;
- Information Technologyopens in new window;
- Information Technology in Environmental Protectionopens in new window;
- Logisticsopens in new window;
- Managementopens in new window;
- Management and Production Engineeringopens in new window;
- Management Engineeringopens in new window;
- Materials Engineeringopens in new window;
- Mathematical Methods in Data Analysisopens in new window;
- Mechanical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Mechanics and Mechanical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Mechatronicsopens in new window;
- Modelling and Data Scienceopens in new window;
- Nanotechnologyopens in new window;
- Occupational Safety Engineeringopens in new window;
- Paper and Printing Technologyopens in new window;
- Power Engineeringopens in new window;
- Technical Physicsopens in new window;
- Textiles and Fashion Industryopens in new window;
- Textronicsopens in new window
- Transportopens in new window;
- Urban Planningopens in new window;
- Applied Computer Scienceopens in new window;
- Applied Electronicsopens in new window;
- Applied Mathematicsopens in new window;
- Architektureopens in new window;
- Architecture opens in new window(opens in new windowin English)opens in new window;
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learningopens in new window;
- Automatic Control and Roboticsopens in new window;
- Automatic Control and Roboticsopens in new window;
- Biomedical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Biotechnologyopens in new window;
- Chemical Technologyopens in new window;
- Chemistryopens in new window;
- Chemistry in Forensicsopens in new window;
- Chemistry of Building Materialsopens in new window;
- Civil Engineeringopens in new window;
- Computer Scienceopens in new window;
- Computer Science and Information Technologyopens in new window;
- Cosmetics Technologyopens in new window;
- Designopens in new window;
- Designopens in new window;
- Design (in Englishopens in new window)opens in new window;
- Electrical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Electronic and Telecommunicationsopens in new window;
- Energy Systems in the Built Environment (in English)opens in new window;
- Environmental Engineeringopens in new window;
- Environmental Engineering in Civil Constructionopens in new window
- Food Technology and Human Nutritionopens in new window;
- Future Mobilityopens in new window;
- Industrial Process Engineering;opens in new window
- Informaticsopens in new window;
- Managementopens in new window;
- Management and Production Engineeringopens in new window;
- Master of Business Studiesopens in new window;
- Master in Mechanical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Master of Operations Managementopens in new window;
- Materials and Technologies,opens in new window
- Mechanical Engineeringopens in new window;
- Mechatronicsopens in new window;
- Nanotopens in new windowechnologopens in new windowyopens in new window;
- Nanotechnology (in English)opens in new window;
- Paper and Printing Technologyopens in new window;
- Power Engineeringopens in new window;
- Production Engineeringopens in new window;
- Sustainable Bioeconomyopens in new window;
- Technical Physicsopens in new window;
- Textile Engineeringopens in new window;
- Textile Engineeringopens in new window;
- Transportopens in new window;
- Urban Planningopens in new window
After completing the Master's degree, graduates have the opportunity to pursue their scientific interests in doctoral studies. Lodz University of Technology runs an Interdisciplinary Doctoral Schoolopens in new window, which educates young researchers from all over the world. We offer 12 educational paths, a flexible and innovative educational programme conducted in English, lectures by visiting professors, mobility and participation in summer schools and scientific projects.
The idea of lifelong learning, addressed to different age groups, is developed in various forms at TUL. The offer of postgraduate studies, further education courses and training is updated on an ongoing basis.