Open Science - conducting scientific research in a way that ensures all its outcomes are accessible to the entire society without any economic, legal, or technical barriers.
The idea of Open Science is to make research and scientific communication available at all levels, allowing for the downloading, use, processing, and dissemination of all research outputs, with a particular emphasis on the openness of those funded by public resources.
Open Science, according to its fundamental principles, encompasses six areas:
- Open Access
- Open Research Data
- Open Source (software)
- Open Peer Review
- Open Methodology
- Open Educational Resources
The Open Science movement is an extension of Open Access, which is the idea of free, permanent, and widespread access to digital resources containing scientific or educational content.
Open Access publications can be made available in two models:
- Open Access Gratis: free access to the full content of publications under the terms of fair use.
- Open Access Libre: the right to unlimited, free, and non-exclusive use of publication content under the terms defined in a free license, most commonly Creative Commons; CC-BY or CC-BY-SA.
More information on Open Scienceopens in new window.
Detailed information on Creative Commons licensingopens in new window.
The procedure for publishing in Open Access at TUL
Lodz Univeristy of Technology, through the TUL Library, participates in several national and consortium licenses. These licenses provide access to publications from specific publishers and enable authors affiliated with member institutions to publish openly without incurring costs or under preferential conditions.
More information.opens in new window
TUL also provides funding for OPEN ACCESS publications. The funds for this purpose come from the Rector's reserve, and the administrative support is handled by the Research Support Center. Details regarding the application procedure can be found in the attached Regulations below.
TUL Repositoryopens in new window
The TUL Publication Repository primarily contains scientific articles, books, monographs, conference materials, and abstracts that are the result of research and educational processes conducted by TUL. In addition, with the author's consent, publications issued by TUL Publishing House are also included in the repository. The majority of resources are available for fair use purposes.
Open Reseach Data Repositoryopens in new window
The Repository of Open Research Data of TUL ( is a service aimed at the research community of TUL. It provides a platform for collecting, sharing, and storing open research data, both during the research process and after its completion, for at least the minimum period specified by the funder or researcher.