Steering Committee for HR Excellence in Research:

The Steering Committee makes key decisions and oversees the strategic course of action in the field of HRS4R at Lodz University of Technology.


Vice Rector for Science–Prof. Łukasz Albrecht,


Heads of scientific disciplines:

Prof. Marek Pabich,

Prof. Sławomir Hausman,

Prof. Anna Fabijańska,

Prof. Hanna Kierzkowska-Pawlak,

Prof. Marcin Kamiński,

Prof. Łukasz Kaczmarek,

Prof. Tomasz Kubiak,

Prof. Filip Strobin, 

Prof. Małgorzata I. Szynkowska-Jóźwik,

Prof. Maciej Dems,

Prof. Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska

Prof. Grażyna Budryn

Chairman of the Rector's Committee for Good Academic Practices

Prof. Ryszard Władysiak

Representative of doctoral students:

President of the Doctoral Students Government- Maciej Nielipiński, M.Sc.

Monitoring Committee for HR Excellence in Research:

It is composed of representatives of the University units involved in implementing the principles of the Charter and Code. The Committee is responsible for monitoring the progress of the tasks set out in the current Action Plan.


Vice-Rector for Development - Prof. Paweł Strumiłło


Centre for Data and Strategic Analyses – Marcin Cichy, M.Sc.,

Human Capital Management Centre – Joanna Jeżewska, M.A.,

International Cooperation Centre – Prof. Dorota Piotrowska,

Interdisciplinary Doctoral School – Prof. Agnieszka Ruppert,

Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Dr. Zbigniew Szamel,

Project Services – Hubert Gęsiarz, M.Sc.,

Research Support Centre – Prof. Agnieszka Dybała-Defratyka

Media and Communications Office – Anna Boczkowska, M.A.,

Careers Office – Małgorzata Skomiał, M.A.,

Careers Office – Alicja Rasmus, M.A.,

Rector’s Office – Dominik Leżański, M.A.,

Human Capital Management Centre – Dr. Andrzej Hołasek,

University Office for Development – Adam Owczarek, M.A.,