
Contact to TUL Student Affairs Office:

90-924 Lodz, 116 Żeromskiego Street,

building of the Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design, staircase E (from Radwańska), 4th floor.


Working hours:

Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri: 8:30-10:30, 12:30-14:30

Wed. closed

Saturdays in the academic year 2023/24, 10:00-13:00 on: 7.10, 14.10, 21.10, 18.11, 25.11, 9.12, 16.12, 13.01, 27.01, 16.03, 13.04, 25.05.

The Office tasks include:

  • accepting applications and completing missing documents for maintenance grants, grants for persons with disabilities;
  • accepting applications for special assistance grants;
  • accepting appeals/requests for reconsideration of the case against the decision related to the aforementioned benefits;
  • Tel: 42 631 20 80, 42 631 20 88


  • matters related to the health insurance of students and participants in doctoral studies;
  • Tel: 42 631 20 80

  • matters related to the rector's scholarship for students;
  • acceptance of appeals/requests for reconsideration of the case against decisions related to the rector's scholarship for students;
  • Tel: 42 631 20 33

  • matters related to doctoral and pro-quality scholarships;
  • matters related to the rector's scholarship for doctoral students;
  • acceptance of appeals/requests for reconsideration of the case against decisions related to the rector's scholarship for doctoral students, doctoral scholarship, pro-quality increase;

The Section can be contacted through the Teams app.

  • In matters of the rector's scholarship, the user stypendia_rektora can be contacted
  • in matters of maintenance grants, grants for people with disabilities and the special assistance grant, the user "stypendia_socjalne" can be contacted

The Benefits Service Section has also introduced the option to register appointments electronically. The introduction of a queuing system enables students to book appointments at the Section via the Internet.

Reservations can be made using the link below 7 days in advance. The address of the electronic booking portal: Reservations at the Benefits Services Section

You should come for your appointment before the scheduled time and confirm your reservation at the ticket machine. Arriving late cancels the reservation.

We invite all students and doctoral students to use the above functionalities.

Student Affairs Office
116 Zeromskiego Street
90-924 Lodz, Poland
building of the Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design, staircase E (from Radwańska), 4th floor.
+48 42 631 20 81