Prof. Bogusław Buszewski, doctor honoris causa of TUL, accompanied by rector Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, the award’s promoter Prof. Małgorzata Iwona Szynkowska-Jóźwik and vice-rector for science Prof. Łukasz Albrecht

Professor Bogusław Buszewski is an internationally renowned scholar.

He is an undisputed scientific and organizational leader in the fields of analytical and environmental chemistry, as well as numerous related areas.


Prof. Bogusław Buszewski is one of the most distinguished and internationally recognized specialists in analytical chemistry, bioanalysis, and environmental chemistry.

His work is interdisciplinary, encompassing biochemical, biomedical research, and materials engineering. Prof. Buszewski has achieved success in modern methods for extracting, separating, and identifying chemical compounds that have become part of the canon of global scientific literature. He is the founder of a sizable international scientific school at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, one of the most dynamic institutions in Poland.

The professor has supervised nearly 50 doctoral candidates, 25 of whom have achieved scientific independence. He has authored nearly 800 scientific publications and holds 58 patents. He has developed patented technologies for utilizing microorganisms in the biosynthesis of nanocomposites, created a new generation of dressings for hard-to-heal wounds, and industrially produced biologically active substances from Polish crops.

He ranks among the most frequently cited Polish chemists (27,000 citations, Hirsch Index = 73). His works are published in recognized international journals.

Prof. Bogusław Buszewski has worked on methodological solutions in electromigration techniques that enable their application in the immediate diagnosis of certain pathogens. Recently, he has focused on designing, developing, and implementing modern analytical methods for selective markers for early cancer detection. He primarily utilized chemical composition analysis of exhaled air from patients.

Prof. Buszewski is also the founder of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Scientific and Technological Center named after Prof. Jan Czochralski. Over the years, he has held and continues to hold many important positions in science management bodies. He was a member of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles and served as Vice-Chairman of the Council for Scientific Excellence. For two terms, he was President of the Board of the Polish Chemical Society. He is also a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Professor Buszewski has received seven honorary doctorates (from the University in Bratislava, the University of Trnava, Military Technical Academy, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury, Poznan University of Technology) as well as an honorary professorship at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

The scientist has also been awarded several prestigious honors, including: Knight's Cross and Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Gold Cross of Merit, Medal from the National Education Commission, as well as medals from Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Kemuli, and Heisenberg.

prof. Jacek Moll doktorem honoris causa PŁ, fot. Marcin Szmidt

Prof. Jacek Moll is one of the founders of pediatric cardiac surgery in Poland, a professor of medical sciences, and a mechanical engineer. In 1967, he graduated from the 19th Secondary School in Lodz. He began his studies at Lodz University of Technology, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He received his Master of Engineering degree in 1974. He continued his education at the then Faculty of Medicine of the Medical Academy in Lodz, obtaining his medical degree in 1981. In 1987, he defended his doctoral thesis at the Medical Academy in Lodz, and in 1999, he obtained his habilitation degree at the same university. He became a professor of medical sciences in 2006.

Prof. Moll began his professional career at the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Institute of Cardiology of the Medical Academy in Lodz. In 1987, he was employed at the Department of Cardiac Surgery of the Silesian Medical Academy, under the supervision of Prof. Zbigniew Religa. In the same year, he completed his first-degree specialization in general surgery, and in 1990, his second-degree specialization in cardiac surgery.

Alongside his work as a cardiac surgeon, he participated in the design of artificial heart valves. He became a pioneer and visionary in the treatment of heart defects in fetuses, newborns, and older children.

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, rektor PŁ nadaje godność doktora honoris causa prof. Klausowi Mullenowi

Research centre: Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz

Specialities: chemistry, physics, advanced materials engineering, nanotechnology

Professor - successively - at University of Cologne and at University of Mainz. Director at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz.

Author of more than 2000 scientific publications and more than 70 patents.

Known and respected for his creativity and precision in the synthesis of functional organic molecules and polymers. Discoverer of new methods of graphene synthesis.

Many times awarded by recognised universities with honorary doctorates and honorary professorships.

Member of German, European and American academies of science.

Cooperating with Lodz University of Technology, mainly as a partner in many research projects.

Professor Edward Kącki

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specializations: optimization algorithms, field phenomenon analysis, medical informatics, expert systems, artificial intelligence

Full professor. Associated with Lodz University of Technology for over 50 years. Author of 300 published articles, 7 monographs, 3 patents.

Creator of three scientific schools:

  • modelling and simulation research languages
  • optimization algorithms for systems with distributed parameters
  • artificial intelligence and its applications

He has been awarded, among others, the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Medal of the Commission of National Education, Scientific Award of the City of Lodz, Golden Badge of Honor NOT, Golden Badge of Merit for Cybernetics.

Professor Wiktor Weber

Country: Russia

University: Novgorod State University

Specialization: biomedical therapy and engineering

Full professor. Long-term rector of the Medical University of Novgorod, director of the Institute of Medical Education of the university. Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Author and co-author of over 800 publications.

Pioneer of computer applications in cardiology. The main focus of Prof. Weber's scientific research is to determine age and biorhythmological properties of development, course and treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

Prof. Peter Hagedorn in gown and with a bunch of roses at the ceremony of awarding the DHS title of TUL

Country: Germany

University: Darmstadt University of Technology

Specialization: dynamics and vibration, active and passive damping, control of complex structural objects, dynamic stability

Professor of technical sciences.

Co-founder of German and Brazilian school of mechanics, he is a recognized authority in the field of mechanics and applied mathematics.

An author of over 250 publications, he has lectured at Stanford University, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Paris.

Professor Ursula Gather

Country: Germany

University: Dortmund University of Technology

Specialization: mathematical statistics

Since 2008 the Rector of TU Dortmund University. From 1982 to 2001 he was a visiting professor at the Universities: University of Pune (India), Yale University (USA), Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (France) and La Trobe University in Melbourne (Australia).

Professor Gather's scientific interests include building statistical models and robust statistical methods, time series analysis, application of statistics in industry, telemedical monitoring methods in intensive care.

She is the founder of the School of Industrial Applications of Statistics as well as

an author of about 160 reviewed scientific papers.

She is the winner of the Alfried Krupp Award for Young Scientists (1987) and the IREX Award, granted by the Australian Scientific Council (2001). In 2014 she received the title of "Citizen of the Ruhr Area".

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Arieh Warshel

Country: USA

University: University of Southern California

Specializations: Biochemistry and computational biophysics

Since 1976 he has been associated with the University of Southern California; the following are levels of his scientific career: Professor of Chemistry (1984), Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry (1991) and Distinguished Professor (2011).

An internationally recognized scientist, he has contributed to the introduction and development of computer computational methods at the interface of chemistry and biology, especially within the discipline called computational enzymology. Prof. Warshel and his collaborators are pioneers in the simulation of functions of biological molecules, including the introduction of molecular dynamics methods to biology, the development of an approach combining quantum-mechanical description with molecular mechanics (QM/MM), the introduction of simulation of enzymatic reactions, simulation of electron and proton transfer processes in solutions and proteins, modelling of electrostatic effects in macromolecules and the introduction of computer simulations of protein coiling.

Together with Michael Levitt and Martin Karplus, he is the holder of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. - for "development of large-scale models describing complex chemical systems".

He is an honorary member of many scientific organizations, including the Biophysical Society, the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, the British Royal Chemical Society and a winner of many prestigious awards.

Portrait photo: Prof. Józef Wiesław Modelski

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specializations: microwave technology, radioelectronics

Full professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. An outstanding specialist in the field of electronics and telecommunications.

A corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Director of the World Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. A founder of a scientific school of radio-communication.

An author of over 300 scientific publications, 9 patents, 4 monographs, numerous technical reports.

Doctor honoris causa of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw.

Awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Silver Cross of Merit, Silver Medal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland.

Portrait photo: Prof. Andrzej Jakubowski in grey gown at the ceremony of awarding the DHC title of TUL.

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specializations: technology, characterization and modelling of semiconductor devices, construction of electronic equipment

Full professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. World-class specialist in microelectronics.

Repeatedly invited to speak at renowned universities in Europe, America and Asia (e.g. Yale, Carnegi Melon, Penn State, Pierre et Marie Curie and in Warwick and Naples).

An author or co-author of about 600 publications including: monographs, articles, conference papers and communications and 8 patents and patent applications.

Member of the Electronics and Telecommunications Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and the Medal of the National Education Commission. Five-time winner of the Minister of National Education Award, two-time laureate of Mieczysław Pożaryski Award.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Sir Jim McDonald

Country: Great Britain

University: University of Strathclyde

Specializations: power networks and systems, renewable energy sources

Director and Deputy Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde. He has published 3 books and over 600 articles and papers in specialist journals and conference publications. Professor McDonald is a member of, among others, the University of Strathclyde: He is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Scottish Enterprise Council, the Scottish Research Council and the Energy Quality Committee of the UK Trade and Investment Authority.

Sir Jim McDonald was awarded the title of nobility for his contribution to education, technology and economy by Queen Elizabeth II during the Diamond Jubilee of Her Birthday.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Marian Wiercigroch

Country: Great Britain

University: University of Aberdeen in Scotland

Specializations: non-linear dynamics and stability, application of chaos theory in engineering, mechanical vibration, impact theory

Professor at the University of Aberdeen. Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A recognized authority in the field of non-linear dynamics and its applications, within the scope of which he created his own scientific school in Aberdeen.

His scientific output includes more than 300 articles, among them 130 items in the most renowned journals on the Thomson-Reuters list.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Vadim Anatolyevich Krysko

Country: Russia

University: Saratov State Technical University

Specializations: mechanics, applied mathematics

Professor of technical sciences. A co-founder of the Russian school of mechanics.

His scientific interests are related to the issues of modeling and static and dynamic analysis of non-linear mechanical systems, with particular emphasis on composite coatings, using various strength hypotheses.

He is an author of, among others: 6 monographs published in Springer Verlag and Taylor&Francis, 13 co-authors' monographs published in Russian, 140 scientific articles in Russian journals and 70 articles in renowned foreign journals.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Bogdan Marciniec

Country: Poland

University: Adam Mickiewicz University

Specializations: coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, metal complex catalysis

A professor of chemical sciences. A distinguished scientist of world authority in the field of silicon chemistry and organometallic catalysis. A respected researcher in the field of hydrosilylation reactions.

A full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2010) and The European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters in Paris (2009), and a member of the Engineering Academy (1999).

Director of the Centre for Advanced Technologies at Adam Mickiewicz University.

He is the founder of the first Poznań Science and Technology Park in Poland (1995).

An author or co-author and editor of a total of 15 books, over 360 publications and chapters in books and over 160 patents and patent applications.

He was awarded, among others, the Medal of the Commission of National Education (1988), the Knight's Cross (1989), the Commander's Cross (1998) and the Commander's Star (2011) of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Wojciech Jacek Stec

Country: Poland

University: Centre for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź

Specialization: Bioorganic chemistry

A professor of chemical sciences. A member of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 1994. A distinguished scientist of global authority in the field of bioorganic chemistry. A valued researcher in the field of synthesis, analysis and use of chemical compounds in molecular biology and medicine, with a great contribution to the development of synthesis and stereochemistry of organic phosphorus compounds and the synthesis of phosphorus anticancer drugs.

He is a co-author of over 400 publications and 60 patents.

He was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (2005).

Awarded the title and prize of Fogarty Scholar-in-Residence, Bethesda, Md. - "for outstanding contribution to the development of medical science", awarded by the National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center (1991).

Portrait photo: Prof. Jan Krysiński in grey gown with flowers and a red tube at the ceremony of awarding the DHC of TUL.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specializations: turbine engines, flow through turbine steps, transient flow through multi-stage turbines, microturbines, gas bearings, use of geothermal energy

A professor of technical sciences. An authority in the field of thermal rotor machines. An author and co-author of nearly 90 publications and 16 patents.

Titular professor at the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery TUL since 1980. Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUL in 1987-1990.

He served as rector of Lodz University of Technology four times; in the years 1990-1993-1996 and 2002-2005-2008.

A member of the Presidium of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) in 2002-2008. Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities (KRPUT) in 2005-2008. A member of the General Council of Higher Education (1997-2000).

A visiting professor at the University of Paris 6 (1978). Lecturer at the Technical University of Oran, Free University of Brussels, Technical University of Montreal and Laval University of Quebec.

He holds honorary doctorates from: University of Strathclyde, University of Lyon 3, St. Petersburg Technical University, University of Coventry and University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biala.

He was awarded, among others, the papal order "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice", the Knight's and Commander's Cross with the Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta, the Medal of the Commission of National Education, the Knight's Orders of the French Academic Palms and the Legion of Honour.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Stanisław Liszewski

Country: Poland

University: University of Lodz

Specializations: Urban geography, social geography, tourism geography

Full professor of geographical sciences. An outstanding authority on city geography. The creator of the original classification of urban areas. An author of a unique model of transforming a big city. The author of the pioneering Atlas of the City of Łódź.

A long-term rector of the University of Lodz. Director of the Institute of Urban Geography and Tourism. President of the Lodz Scientific Society.

A member of the Spatial Planning Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A member of the International Geographical Union.

He is an originator of the cooperation between the University of Lodz and Lodz University of Technology in the field of revitalization of industrial cities.

He was awarded, among others, the Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Medal of the Commission of National Education, Medal of the 50th Anniversary of Lodz University of Technology.

Portrait photo: Professor M. Sam Mannan in a grey gown at the Doctor Honoris Causa conferment ceremony.

Country: USA

University: Texas A&M University

Specialization: process safety

A professor of chemical engineering. A leading researcher with a recognized global authority in process safety engineering.

The editor and co-author of the unique work "Lees' Loss Prevention in the Process Industries". He works with the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). He was awarded the title "Inaugural Holder of the T. Michael O'Connor Chair I" and the title of Regents Professor of the Texas A&M University.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Leopold Jezierski

Country: Poland

University: Częstochowa University of Technology

Specializations: biomaterials, surface engineering, heat and plastic processing

Professor Jeziorski is a co-founder of the Polish school of material engineering, a recognized authority in the field of metallurgy and materials science.

Professor Jeziorski's rich scientific output is focused on the area of modern surface engineering technologies, in particular thermo-chemical treatment in fluidized bed as well as glow and plasma surface treatment of steel and titanium alloys.

A member of the Central Commission for Scientific Title and Degrees.

An honorary member of the Polish Society of Materials Science.

Doctor honoris causa of the Częstochowa University of Technology.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Andrzej Ajdukiewicz

Country: Poland

University: Silesian University of Technology

Specializations: industrial construction, building structures, reinforced concrete and prestressed structures

Professor Ajdukiewicz is a recognized authority in the field of concrete technology, concrete and prestressed structures; an outstanding constructor and expert in industrial, residential and public buildings.

He is the founder of a scientific school of slab-and-pillar constructions. He is an educator of many generations of engineers and scientists.

An honorary member of the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians.

A member of IABSE (International Association of Bridges and Engineering Structures), ACI (American Concrete Institute), FIB (International Construction Concrete Association).

He was awarded, among others, the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, the Gold Cross of Merit, the Medal of the Commission of National Education, the Medal of the Stefan Kaufman Polish Institute of Technology.

Prof. Jerzy Buzek, rector TUL and Prof. Jerzy Buzek

Country: Poland

University: Opole University of Technology

Specializations: environmental protection, chemical processes in environmental engineering, mass exchange

Professor Buzek's scientific interests include: theory and application of process engineering, research in the field of gas desulphurization by absorption methods, cost optimization of chemical installations.

He holds honorary doctorates from the University of Dortmund, the University of Seoul, the University of Isparta, Opole University of Technology and the Silesian University of Technology.

He was honored with the "Statuette of the Dove" at the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.

In the years 2009-2012 the President of the European Parliament.

Professor Donald G. Truhlar

Country: USA

University: University of Minnesota

Specializations: physical chemistry, molecular quantum mechanics, applied computer science

An eminent scientist, with a global authority in the field of theoretical research, nanotechnology and computer science. A respected researcher in the development of electron density methods and the theory of transition state variation. His great contribution to the development of the reactivity theory of chemical and biochemical systems, tunneling and solvation processes should be emphasized.

He was awarded, among others, the prestigious Schrödinger Medal.

Prof. Stanislaw Bielecki, TUL Rector, Prof. Anatoly Leonidovich Gavrikov

Country: Russia

University: Novgorod State University

Specializations: Sociology of higher education; sociological research of regional higher education systems

Professor Gawrikow's research topics include: information technologies and systems, sociology of higher education, strategic management and management of education systems, building university quality management systems.

He is a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Higher Education.

For his great contribution to the development of over forty years of cooperation between Lodz University of Technology and Novgorod State University, he was awarded the Badge of " Meritorious for Lodz University of Technology" and the Medal of the National Education Commission.

Portrait photo: Prof. Tadeusz Kaczorek in grey gown at the ceremony of awarding the DHC title of TUL.

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specializations: control and systems theory, applied mathematics, electrical engineering

His scientific interests include control theory and systems theory, especially single and multidimensional systems. He has initiated research in the area of singular two-dimensional systems and two-dimensional positive systems. He is an author of over 20 books and over 800 scientific articles. He has lectured at universities in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, France, Japan and Greece. A full and ordinary member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, an ordinary member of the Engineering Academy in Poland. Chairman of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles. An honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Doctor honoris causa of the following universities: University of Zielona Góra, Lublin University of Technology, Szczecin University of Technology and Warsaw University of Technology.

He was awarded, among others, the Gold Cross of Merit, Knight's Cross and Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, Prof. Andrzej Tylikowski

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specializations: theoretical and applied mechanics, applications of mathematics

He is a co-founder of the Polish school of stochastic mechanics. His research work focuses on the following issues: dynamics of elastic and visco-elastic continuous systems, stochastic vibrations, dynamic stability of material systems, application of non-linear vibration theory in machine dynamics, active vibration damping, intelligent constructions. His publications comprise about 300 items.

Vice-Chairman of the Mechanics Committee of PAS. A member of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles.

Professor Tylikowski's contribution to the scientific development of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology is important and cannot be overestimated.

Professor Tylikowski was awarded, among others, the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and the Medal of the National Education Commission.

Prof. Stanisław Bielecki, TUL rector, and Prof. Eugeniusz Dembicki

Country: Poland

University: Gdansk University of Technology

Specializations: geotechnics, soil mechanics and foundations

His research concerns theoretical and practical issues of soil mechanics and foundations, especially methods of solving boundary state issues, calculation methods of retaining and supporting structures, application of synthetic materials for soil reinforcement and modern computer techniques in geotechnics. The results of the research work are presented in more than 430 publications.

Doctor honoris causa of the following universities: J. Fourier University in Grenoble, Wroclaw University of Technology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Knight and Officer of the French Legion of Honor, Knight and Commander of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Knight and Commander of the French Academic Palms. Honorary President of the Polish Geotechnical Committee. He is a laureate of prestigious scientific awards, including the Max Planck Scientific Award.

Portrait photo: Prof. Erick Vandamme in grey gown at the ceremony of awarding the DHC title of TUL.

Country: Belgium

University: Ghent University in Belgium

Specializations: industrial biotechnology, biocatalysis, fermentation science

His research activities include broadly understood engineering in natural sciences, mainly focusing on antibiotics and bacteriocin, as well as syntons and bioconversion processes. He has a great contribution to the global development of modern industrial biotechnology, thanks to which renewable raw materials are transformed into valuable chemicals, medicines, polymer materials, energy factors, consumer additives, etc.

He has been a visiting professor at many European and 20 universities on other continents (Australia, China, Egypt, South Korea, South Africa). Professor Vandamme's works have been quoted in world literature more than 1600 times.

Portrait photo: Prof. Arun Sadashiv Mujumdar in grey gown and with a bunch of roses at the ceremony of awarding the DHC of TUL.

Country: India

Universities: National University in Singapore, McGill University in Canada

Specialization: drying

A leading figure in the world of drying. Outstanding achievements in the field of research, cooperation with industry, international contacts, organization of scientific conferences, promoting young researchers. A visiting professor at scientific centers in the USA, Japan, India, Brazil, China, Argentina and Malaysia.

He conducted seminars at dozens of universities in 11 countries in Europe, Asia, the Americas and the Pacific Basin.

He has received many international awards and honors for his outstanding contribution to the development of chemical engineering, especially drying and heat and mass transfer.

His key achievement is his contribution to the promotion and development of drying as a multi- and interdisciplinary field.

Portrait photo: Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski in grey gown and a bunch of roses at the ceremony of awarding the DHC title of TUL.

Country: Poland, USA

University: Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh

Specializations: macromolecular chemistry and materials chemistry

He is a world-famous scientist. His most important discovery is the development of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP), which allows for the controlled synthesis of macromolecules of a strictly defined structure, as well as copolymers, which cannot be obtained with classical methods. An author of many books and several hundred scientific publications and several dozen patents. Editor of "Progress in Polymer Science" and "Central European Journal of Chemistry".

He is a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a member of the American Academy of Technical Sciences.

A laureate of the Polish Science Foundation award.

Doctor honoris causa of the University of Ghent and Russian Academy of Sciences.

Country: Poland

Universities: Silesian University of Technology, University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała

Specializations: automation and robotics, dynamics of working and textile machines

An outstanding scientist and recognized authority in the field of mechanics, machine dynamics, graph theory and robotics and mechatronics. He is an ordinary member of the Engineering Academy in Poland as well as a full member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Literature. An honorary member of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He holds an honorary doctorate from the Donetsk State University of Technology.

Country: Poland

University: Academy of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała

Specializations: fiber physics (polymers), fiber science

An outstanding scholar in the field of textiles. An author of many scientific articles and monographs. A member of many scientific associations. A co-founder and director of the Textile Institute of the Branch of the Lodz University of Technology in Bielsko-Biala in 1973-2001. In 1993-1999, Vice-Rector of the Lodz University of Technology for the Branch in Bielsko-Biała.

Highly meritorious for the cooperation between the Academy of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała and Lodz University of Technology.

Prof. Jan Krysiński, TUL rector, and Prof. Marek Trombski

Country: Poland

University: Academy of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała

Specializations: structural dynamics, applied mechanics, structural strength

An outstanding scientist, recognized authority in the field of mechanics and mechanical engineering. The founder and the first rector of the Academy of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biala. A member of the Machine Building Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. An ordinary member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine. Voivode of Bielsko-Biala.

Vice-Chairman of the Silesian Parliament.

He was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: physical chemistry, chemical technology

A distinguished scientist in the field of adsorption and catalysis research. The founder of the Lodz school of adsorption and catalysis. A long-term dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of TUL and director of the Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry of TUL. For many years a member of the Central Commission for Academic Title and Degrees. A long-term member and chairman of the Committee for Scientific Research of the Chemical Sciences, Chemical Technology and Process Engineering and Environmental Protection.

Doctor honoris causa of Szczecin University of Technology.

Country: Poland

University: Gdansk University of Technology

Specialization: building structures

A recognized authority in the field of concrete mechanics and concrete and prestressed structures. An outstanding constructor of industrial, residential and sacral buildings.

An honorary member of the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians.

Awarded the Stefan Kauffman Medal. Honorary professor at the Cracow University of Technology.

He has particular merits for the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering of TUL.

Country: Poland

Universities: AGH University of Science and Technology and Rzeszów University of Technology

Specializations: machine dynamics, robotics and mechatronics

An author of many original articles and monographs. A full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and numerous national and international scientific societies. He pioneered work on mechanical systems with constructional friction in Poland.

He was a co-founder of the studies of automatics and robotics.

Country: Germany

University: Dresden University of Technology

Specialization: textile industry

A world-renowned textile artist, author of many textile technologies, author of many monographs. A full member of the Saxon Academy of Science in Leipzig, member of the International Federation of Knitting.

Doctor honoris causa of the University of State Technology and Design in St. Petersburg.

Professor Offermann has a particularly close relationship with the Faculty of Textile Engineering and Marketing since the 1960s, when he completed his scientific internship at the Department of Knitting.

Country: Great Britain

University: University of Strathclyde

Specialization: inorganic and physical chemistry

Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. He obtained particularly significant results in the field of photoelectron spectroscopy of inorganic compounds in gaseous and solid phase, electrochemistry and spectro-electrochemistry of semiconductor systems.

He was the head of a research program on conversion and utilization technologies for solar energy and fuel cells.

His interests also included electrocatalysis and the use of electrochemistry in material engineering.

Country: France

Specialization: physical chemistry of polymers

The subject of his scientific interests is the physicochemistry of the surface of solids and macromolecular compounds, and in particular the interaction occurring at the interphase border of polymer dispersion medium - dispersed phase.

Director of Science and Deputy Director of the Institute de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces (ICSI) in Mulhouse (France). He continues the wonderful tradition of scientific cooperation between the scientific and didactic center in Mulhouse and Polish scientific centers, especially with Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Germany

Specialization: chemistry and physicochemistry of polymers

Professor of macromolecular chemistry and physical chemistry. A world-famous researcher in polymer chemistry and physics and solid organic chemistry. He is a co-founder and director of the Max Planck Polymer Research Institute in Mainz. An author of several hundred scientific publications.

A member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences.

Honorary doctorates from the University of Massachusetts and Friedrich Alexander University.

Country: Poland

University: AGH University of Science and Technology

Specialization: biocybernetics

Between 1998 and 2005 the rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. An outstanding scientist with extensive interests, including biocybernetics, computer science and automation. An author of several hundred original publications in the field of image recognition, speech and acoustic signals, sensory systems, industrial robotic vision systems. A pioneer of research on artificial neural networks and their applications.

A member-correspondent of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a member-correspondent of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a Titular Member of the European Academy of Science, Art and Literature.

Doctor honoris causa of: ANSTED University, Częstochowa University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, Ivano-Frankivsk Technical University (Ukraine).

Country: USA

University: George Washington University

Specialization: protein crystallography

An outstanding American scholar of Polish origin. Director of Macromolecular Crystallography Lab, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA. Professor at George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.

A respected researcher of global authority in the field of protein crystallography. An author of several hundred scientific publications.

A pioneer of neutronography of protein crystals. He initiated the use of synchrotron radiation in crystallography.

He described the structure of multiple proteins of key importance in biochemistry and medicine.

His research contributed to the development of drugs against AIDS.

Country: Poland

University: Polish Academy of Sciences

Specialization: organic chemistry

An outstanding scholar. Professor of organic and hetero-organic chemistry. A respected researcher of global authority in the field of chemistry of organophosphorus and sulfur compounds. An author of several hundred scientific publications. A full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

A member of German National Academy of Sciences. Doctor honoris causa of Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse.

A laureate of numerous prestigious awards.

For many years Director of the Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Country: Japan

University: Tokyo University

Specialization: mechanical engineering

A leading specialist in plain bearing mechanics, combustion engines and tribology.

A member of numerous scientific societies.

He was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Prize for his scientific achievements.

Country: France

University: Université Méditerranée in Marseille

Specialization: pharmaceutical chemistry

An outstanding scientist. He is a professor of inorganic, structural and pharmaceutical chemistry. A member of French Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. A member of the Royal Chemical Society. Doctor honoris causa of the University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He is an author of over 160 original experimental papers.

Worth mentioning is his work on drugs used in tropical diseases, such as amoebic dysentery and malaria. His research in the field of antibacterial and anticancer drugs is highly important owing to the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

Country: Japan

University: Asahikawa State School of Technology

Specialization: physical chemistry

An eminent Japanese scientist. A retired professor at Hokkaido University. Rector of the Asahikawa State University of Technology. An internationally renowned researcher in radiation chemistry, polymer chemistry, photochemistry, free radical processes and chemical spectroscopy.

An author of several hundred scientific publications.

Founder and long-term secretary of the Hokkaido-Poland Society.

A scientist consistently supporting Polish-Japanese contacts, especially between Sapporo and Lodz.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: electrotechnology

One of the most deserving employees of Lodz University of Technology, who remembers its beginnings. A long-term dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. A recognized authority in the field of transformers. An author of many scientific publications and studies with applications in industry. An organizer of cooperation with the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. A Unesco expert.

A founding member and long-term chairman of the Lodz branch of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering.

Country: Italy

University: University of Pavia

Specialization: electrotechnology

An outstanding specialist in the methods of analysis and synthesis of electromagnetic fields. An author of numerous publications and scientific papers, mainly in the field of computer aided analysis and design of electrical machines and devices.

Director of the Research Center for the History of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pavia.

Chairman of the Board of the Association of Historical Universities of Europe.

Country: New Zealand

University: University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Specialization: chemical engineering

A respected researcher of recognized global authority in chemical engineering and drying theory and technology. A member of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

The author of the first English monograph in the field of drying.

Country: Poland

University: Kielce University of Technology, Military Technical Academy

Specialization: mechanics and mechanical engineering

An outstanding scientist, a recognized authority in the field of mechanics and mechanical engineering. An advisor to research institutes of the automotive and arms industry.

A member of scientific committees of Polish Academy of Sciences and numerous scientific associations.

He was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Country: France

University: Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Specialization: flow turbulence and acoustics

An organizer and long-term manager of the Ecole Centrale de Lyon Acoustic Centre. A correspondent member of the French Academy of Sciences. She was awarded the Orders of Knight of the Legion of Honor and Academic Palms. Her rich scientific achievements concern the basic and application studies of turbulence and acoustic phenomena, mainly related to the noise damping of rotating machinery. She is considered the "mother" of thermoanometric measurements. She introduced a hot-fiber (DC) anemometer to measurements.

Country: Belgium

University: University of Ghent

Specialization: textile industry

A graduate of the State University in Ghent (1977). An outstanding scholar. Professor of Textile Studies at the University of Ghent. An author of many monographs and scientific articles, mainly in the field of mechanical and chemical textile engineering.

Doctor honoris causa of the Technical University of Liberec. He has contributed greatly to the development of the Polish textile industry.

Country: Ukraine

A long-term director of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Specialization: power engineering

A graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering at Kiev Polytechnic (1957). An outstanding scientist, professor of power engineering. An author of numerous scientific publications, mainly in the field of the quality of electricity. For many years he was a director of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. A full member and vice president of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Doctor honoris causa of the Kyiv Polytechnic.

He significantly contributed to the development of Polish-Ukrainian scientific cooperation.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: enzymology

A graduate of the Faculty of Food Chemistry at Lodz University of Technology (1955).  He is a full professor at Lodz University of Technology. An outstanding researcher in the field of enzymology; his scientific work focuses on microbial screening, biosynthesis of microbial enzymes, their properties and application. His scientific output includes several hundred items.

A long-term member of the Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics and Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A member of Lodz Scientific Society, New York Academy of Sciences and a founding member of European Federation of Biotechnology.

Rector of Lodz University of Technology in the years 1975-1981.

Doctor honoris causa of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

Country: The Netherlands

University: Wageningen University

Specialization: bioprocessing technology

A professor of bioprocessing technology at Wageningen University, a member of the Strategic Planning Committee of Wageningen University and Research, head of the Department of Bioprocessing Technology, the first director of the Educational Institute of Technology and Nutrition of the University. A renowned world authority in research on: construction of new types of bioreactors, biocatalysis in organic synthesis and unconventional environments, modelling of immobilized biocatalysts, cell culture technology, solid bed fermentation and more recently marine biotechnology research.

A member of many editorial boards of international scientific journals and institutions. A representative of the Netherlands in the Working Group on Applied Biocatalysis of the European Federation of Biotechnology.

He closely cooperates with the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences at Lodz University of Technology. The outcome of these contacts is the exchange of students and the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Lodz University of Technology and Wageningen University.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: chemical and process engineering

A graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry at Lodz University of Technology (1952). A full professor at Lodz University of Technology; a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences; an outstanding scientist in the field of chemical and process engineering. Recognised authority in the field of heat and mass transport processes and drying theory and technology; in this field he created a scientific school at Lodz University of Technology which has a leading position in the country and is recognised abroad. An author of over 200 publications. He was twice elected to the Scientific Research Committee; between 1993 and 1996 he served as Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee. He is the Vice President of the Lodz Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a Polish delegate to the Drying Working Party and the Science Advisory Committee of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.

He was awarded, among others, the Commander's and Officer's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. A laureate of the international award for Excellence in Drying Research and the scientific award of the city of Lodz.

Doctor honoris causa of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. He received the title of Honorary Professor of Tianjin University (China).

Country: Poland

An employee of the Institute of Electrical Engineering in Warsaw

Specialization: electrical machines

A graduate of Warsaw University of Technology (1947). An outstanding specialist in the field of electrical machines. A full member of Polish Academy of Sciences. Meritorious employee of the Institute of Electrical Engineering in Warsaw. His main scientific achievements include: elements of generalised theory of electrical machines, a uniform theory of single-phase motors, an analysis of magnetic phenomena and losses in induction motors, a method of optimal design synthesis. His legacy includes nearly 100 publications, patents and several dozen documentation applied in practice. He holds responsible functions in Division IV of Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and in the International Standardization Commission.

For 40 years he has been cooperating with the Institute of Electrical Machines and Transformers of Lodz University of Technology in the field of scientific research, staff development and organization of science.

Country: USA

University: New York State University of Buffalo

Specialization: Crystallography

An outstanding American crystallographer, a professor of medical chemistry at the State University of New York in Buffalo. Scientific director of the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute in Buffalo.

An authority on the structure of steroids. His research has contributed to the development of chemistry, molecular biology and pharmacology.

A member and chairman of numerous scientific committees and associations. For more than 20 years he has been cooperating with Polish scientific centers, and the cooperation with crystallographers of Lodz University of Technology is particularly fruitful.

Country: France

University: Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie University of Upper Alsace in Mulhouse

Specialization: photochemistry of heterocyclic compounds, carbohydrate chemistry

An outstanding scientist. He is an authority on chemistry and photochemistry of heterocyclic systems, asymmetric synthesis and amino sugar chemistry. His research work is widely used in organic synthesis, especially in the synthesis of biologically active compounds. He is a member of numerous scientific societies and committees and represents France in the European Committee for Chemistry. For more than 30 years he has been cooperating with Lodz University of Technology. In 1979 he co-authored a permanent cooperation agreement between the University of Upper Alsace and Lodz University of Technology. An enthusiast of Polish-French scientific contacts.

Country: Great Britain

University: University of Leeds

Specialization: applied dynamical systems

A pioneer of scientific research and an outstanding specialist in the field of applied dynamical systems, especially in the field of non-linear dynamics. Since 1989 he has been cooperating with the Department of Machine Dynamics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUL, contributing to the development of scientific research in the Department.

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: construction and operation of machines, mechanical engineering

A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Lodz University of Technology (1949) and an employee of Lodz University of Technology in 1947-50. A prominent researcher in the field of construction theory and application of vibration and dynamics theory in machine construction. He had significant accomplishments in the cooperation with Faculties of Lodz University of Technology: Mechanical and Textile.

Doctor honoris causa of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

Country: Great Britain

University: University of London

Specialization: solid-state electronics

A professor of solid-state electronics at Chelsea College of London University and then a professor at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College of London University. An outstanding researcher in the fields of semiconductors, ionic conductors and solid-state luminescence. A co-founder of the world-famous dielectric research school. He has devoted special attention to dielectric research of matter in ultra-low frequencies.

Distinguished as an initiator of cooperation with various scientific centers in Poland, mainly with Lodz University of Technology.

A dedicated friend of Lodz, whose name is connected with our city not only by valuable cooperation with Lodz University of Technology, but also by his close relative - the patron of a well-known hospital in Lodz.

Country: Japan

University: Hokkaido University

Specialization: natural polymers

He made a fundamental contribution to the understanding of bioactivity and biocompatibility of chitin and chitosan. He is a scientist of particular merit in the field of research on natural polymers and the production of fibers from these polymers, which are used in medicine. President of the Japanese Chemical Society. A member of many scientific societies in the world. He has contributed to the development of scientific cooperation between the University of Hokkaido and Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Spain

University: Spanish Council for Scientific Research in Madrid

Specialization: textile industry

The founder of the Spanish school for the application of mathematical statistics in textile experimentation, a creator of structural analysis of textile products. He is a founder of the Institute of Chemical and Textile Technology in Barcelona. A full member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts in Barcelona. An honorary member of the Textile Institute.

Country: Poland

University: Military University of Technology

Specialization: Crystal and layer physics and technology

An author of many publications, patents and scientific papers on physics and chemistry of solid and liquid crystals. A founder of Warsaw school of physics, chemistry and technology of crystals. An educator of numerous scientific and engineering staff. An initiator of extensive scientific cooperation between the Military Academy of Technology and Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: mechanical fiber technology

An outstanding scientist. A founder of the school of textile mechanical engineering. A long-time dean of the Faculty of Textiles at Lodz University of Technology. An organizer and long-term director of the Institute of Mechanical Fibre Technology at Lodz University of Technology. A tutor of numerous scientific and engineering staff of the Faculty of Textiles. An author of excellent academic textbooks.

Doctor honoris causa of the Moscow Textile Institute. A co-founder and full member of the Engineering Academy in Poland. A member of many scientific societies.

A laureate of the scientific award of the City of Lodz. He has been very meritorious for the social movement of engineers in Poland. Chairman of the Polish Textile Association for many years.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: mechanical fiber technology, metrology

A founder of the Lodz school of textile products structure and textile metrology applications. An author of highly valued monographic textbooks. A full member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts in Barcelona. A laureate of the scientific award of the City of Lodz. Head of the Department of Metrology (1967-70), deputy director of the Institute of Metrology, Textiles and Clothing (1981-88).

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: mass transfer, unconventional methods of separation of mixtures

A founder of chemical and process engineering at the university, highly distinguished for the development of this field in Poland and the establishment of Lodz school of science. Doctor honoris causa of the University of Strathclyde. A laureate of the scientific award of the City of Lodz. He organized and headed the Department of Chemical Engineering (1950-70), director of the Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering (1970-87).

Dean of the Faculty of Food Chemistry (1952-56, 1960-62). Vice-Chancellor (1962-68) and Rector (1968-75) of Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: control theory

A recognized authority in the field of electric drive automation, with particular emphasis on optimal and adaptive control. The founder of Lodz school of automation and control theory. A full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Doctor honoris causa of Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. A laureate of the scientific award of the City of Lodz.

The founder and head of the Automation Department (1952-70), director of the Automation Institute (1970-88). Vice-Dean (1956-59) and Dean (1959-60) of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: chemistry and physics of polymers

An author of fundamental studies on the structure and properties of polymers. A founder of a scientific school of polymer physics. A full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A laureate of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie prize and the scientific award of the City of Lodz. He organized and headed the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Chemistry (1958-70), Director of the Institute of Polymers (1970-72), Head of the Department of Polymer Physics (1970-95).

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: probability calculus, mathematical statistics

A professor of mathematics, meritorious for the Faculty of Textiles and the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics. He educated numerous scientific and engineering staff of Lodz University of Technology. An author of excellent academic textbooks published in Poland and abroad.

A pioneer of teaching statistical methods at technical universities. A laureate of the Witold Pogorzel Prize of the Polish Mathematical Society. Head of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Chemistry (1962-70). Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Textiles (1960-96).

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: physical and radiation chemistry

A founder of the Radiation Chemistry School in Lodz. An author of significant publications and papers, especially in the field of electron and low temperature radiation chemistry. A full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. An honorary member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Doctor honoris causa of universities:  Strathclyde, Leeds, Deglistudi di Pavia. A laureate of the scientific award of the City of Lodz.

He organized and headed the Department of Radiation Chemistry (1962-70), and was the founder and long-term director of the Inter-ministerial Institute of Radiation Technology (1970-94).

Rector of Lodz University of Technology (1981-87).

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: flow machinery and equipment

A founder of the Lodz school of fluid-flow machinery. He contributed to the development of experimental research and theory of fluid-flow machines and co-created innovative designs of these machines. A pioneer of the international system of SI units in Poland. A laureate of the scientific award of the City of Lodz.

Head of the Department of Thermal Fluid-Flow Machinery (1955-70) and director of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery (1970-91). Vice-Dean (1962-64) and Dean (1969-71) of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Country: Italy

University: University of Pavia

Specialization: biomedical engineering

A professor, doctor of sciences. Rector of the University of Pavia. Honorary Doctorate of the University of Strathclyde. Member of international scientific corporations: New York Academy of Sciences, Barany Society, The European Brain and Behaviour Society. He was instrumental in the development of automation. A pioneer in bioengineering and systems theory applied to neurology. An author of fundamental studies in these fields. He contributed to the development of scientific cooperation between the University of Pavia and Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: electrical circuit theory

A full professor. Doctor of Technical Sciences. Long-term Dean of the Faculty of Electronics at Warsaw University of Technology. An outstanding scientist, author of fundamental research on circuit theory. He initiated national research in the field of circuit theory, signals, circuits and electronic systems. A member of numerous scientific associations. He is distinguished for the Polish academic community. He cordially supports the development of electronics at Lodz University of Technology.

Country: France

University: Institute of Applied Research in Toulouse

Specialization: microelectronics

Professor of Electronics at the National Institute of Applied Research (INSA) in Toulouse, long-term Dean of the Faculty of Electricity Sciences at INSA in Toulouse. Director of the Faculty of Microsystems and Microstructures at the Laboratory of Automation and Systems Architecture (LAAS Du CNRS). Head of Doctoral Studies at all universities in Toulouse.

A member of the National Committee of the National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS). Chairman of the French Committee on Microelectronics. A prominent scientist, particularly distinguished in the field of semiconductor properties research and semiconductor device technology. He has contributed to the development of scientific cooperation between the scientific centers in Toulouse and Lodz University of Technology.

Country: United Kingdom

University: Queen`s University in Belfast

Specialization: chemical and process engineering

Rector of Queen`s University in Belfast. He was awarded the title of nobility by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain. Honorary Doctor of the Dublin and Ulster Universities. A long-time professor at University of Strathclyde. A long-time president of the British Association of Chemical Engineers. A member of: the Royal Society of Science in Edinburgh, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Arts, the Royal Academy of Ireland. Vice President of the Chemical Industry Association. Member of the European Council of Rectors. Chairman of the Rectors of Ireland. A founder and first Chairman of the Process Engineering Committee. A prominent scientist, particularly distinguished in chemical reaction engineering, process economics, optimization and process design. He has contributed to the development of scientific collaboration between the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Queen`s University in Belfast and Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Great Britain

University: University of Strathclyde

Specialization: Microbiology

Rector and Vice Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde. Professor of Microbiology at Nottingham University. A member of the Royal Irish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Scientific Society of Edinburgh and the International Institute of Biotechnology. A prominent scientist, highly distinguished in the development of research on pathogenic bacteria toxins and their effects on animal organisms.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: applied mathematics

Professor at The University of Strathclyde. An outstanding specialist in applied mathematics. His work in the field of partial and total differential equations has been widely used in the latest fields of technology. A member of numerous international scientific associations. He has greatly contributed to the cooperation between the University of Strathclyde and Lodz University of Technology and in the education of young staff of Lodz University of Technology.

Country: USA

University: Washington University of St. Louis

Specialization: molecular chemistry

Professor of molecular biology and pharmacology at Washington University in St. Louis (USA). A scientist who greatly contributes to the development of chemistry and biology of natural products. A pioneer of molecular modeling and computer graphics in medical chemistry. A founder and director of the Molecular Design Center at Washington University. Dedicated to developing scientific cooperation with Lodz University of Technology and Polish peptide chemists.

Country: Great Britain.

University: University of Southampton

Specialization: electrotechnology

Professor and long-term Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southampton (United Kingdom). A prominent scientist in the field of technical electrodynamics and electrical machines, an author of fundamental studies and monographs in this field. Highly meritorious in scientific cooperation and education of young staff of Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: soil mechanics and foundation

Professor at Lodz University of Technology. A co-founder and long-term dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Lodz University of Technology. A founder and head of the Department of Soil Mechanics and Foundations, and then director of the Institute of Municipal Engineering of Lodz University of Technology. A specialist in the field of geotechnics and construction, an outstanding expert in foundation issues.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: metal technology

Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. Until 1959 Professor of Lodz University of Technology. A founder and head of the Department of Metals Technology. Between 1955-1956 Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology. An outstanding researcher in the field of machine manufacturing technology and author of fundamental monographs on the construction and production of castings.

Country: USA

University: New York State University in Buffalo

Specialization: structural X-ray analysis

Professor of Biophysics and Computer Science at New York State University of Buffalo. A Nobel Prize laureate for outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods that revolutionized structural X-ray analysis; an author of fundamental studies in this field. He has received six honorary doctorates, the A.L. Patterson Award and many other awards and medals. President of the Medical Foundation of Buffalo (USA) and founder of the Department of Mathematical Biophysics at this institute. He worked extensively with Polish crystallographers and Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Germany

University: Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Specialization: fluid-flow machines

Professor at the Rhine Westphalia University of Technology in Aachen, director of the Institute for Stream Drives and Rotary Working Machines. A distinguished scientist in the field of the theory and experimental research of fluid-flow machines, especially three-dimensional flows and non-stationary phenomena.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: Academic Registrar

Academic Registrar at the University of Strathclyde. He has been instrumental in promoting Polish-Scottish friendship and Polish culture in the United Kingdom, and in particular in developing cooperation between Lodz University of Technology and the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

Country: Germany

University: Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Specialization: textile technology

Rector of the Rhine Westphalia Technical University of Aachen, Director of the Institute of Textiles. An outstanding scientist with international authority in the field of textile engineering and technology. He has significant merits in the cooperation between RWTH and Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Great Britain

University: Royal Military College of Science

Specialization: Radiation chemistry of polymers

Professor of the Royal Military Academy in Swindow. An outstanding British scientist. One of the creators of polymer radiation chemistry and radiation technology. He has outstanding merits in establishing and developing cooperation between Lodz University of Technology and British scientific centers.

Country: Poland.

University: Lodz University of Technology.

Specialization: Microbiology.

Professor at Lodz University of Technology. A founder and long-term head of the Department of Technical Microbiology. A co-organizer of the Faculty of Food Chemistry. An outstanding specialist in the field of microbiology.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: reinforced concrete construction

Professor at Lodz University of Technology until 1969. A founder and organizer, and in 1956-1959 the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Lodz University of Technology. An outstanding specialist in concrete technology and mechanics of concrete hyperstatic systems. A co-author of the monumental work (20 volumes) on Concrete Construction.

Country: France

University: University of Upper Alsace

Specialization: physicochemistry and elastomer technology

Professor and Rector of the University of Upper Alsace. An outstanding physicochemist, particularly distinguished for the development of polymer technology. A member of numerous international scientific organizations in the field of chemistry.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: biology

An organizer and long-term professor at the Department of Biology at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. An outstanding scientist in the field of biotechnology. Distinguished in the development of environmental research. He was instrumental in the cooperation between Lodz University of Technology and the University of Strathclyde.

University: M.Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin

Specialization: chromatography

Professor at M. Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin. An outstanding specialist in the field of chromatography, a founder of a scientific school in this field. He also conducted research into application of optical fibers.

Country: Poland

University: Institute of Fundamental Technological Problems

Specialization: composite mechanics

Professor at the University of Warsaw, head of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Warsaw. Between 1964 and 1966 Professor at Lodz University of Technology and head of the Department of Construction Mechanics. A scientist of recognized international renown, a specialist in the field of solid body mechanics. A founding member of the International Society for the Interaction Mathematics and Mechanics. As a scholarly collaborator of Lodz University of Technology, he contributed significantly to the education of the academic staff at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: electrotechnology

Professor at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. An organizer of the development of scientific cooperation between the University of Strathclyde and Lodz University of Technology and the cooperation of the two universities with the University of Pavia (Italy). An outstanding specialist in electrical engineering, in particular in the field of electrical discharge in gases and their applications in high voltage technology.

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: thermodynamics

Professor of the Warsaw University of Technology, a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He graduated from Lodz University of Technology and started teaching and scientific work there. He is a co-founder of the Polish school of thermodynamics. For many years he was chairman of the Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences, cooperating with several departments of Lodz University of Technology.

Country: Poland.

University: Lodz University of Technology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Specialization: organic chemistry.

Professor at Lodz University of Technology. Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry from 1966-1970. Since 1945 he was associated with the Department of Organic Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology. A full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a founder of the Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź. An outstanding scientist, organic chemist with great merits for the development of Polish chemistry.

Country: Great Britain

University: University College of Swansea

Specialization: chemical engineering

Professor and long-term Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the University College of Swansea in the UK. Outstanding scientist with worldwide authority in the field of fluidization and biphasic flows, especially in the field of flows: non-Newtonian liquid - gas. He contributed significantly to the development of scientific cooperation between the centers of chemical engineering at Lodz University of Technology and University College of Swansea.

Country: Russia

University: Moscow Textile Institute

Specialization: textile machines

Professor and Rector of the Moscow Textile Institute. He contributed to the development of cooperation between the Moscow Institute of Textiles and Lodz University of Technology. An outstanding specialist in the dynamics of textile machinery.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: steam turbines

Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. Between 1945-1955 professor at Lodz University of Technology. A founder and head of the Department of Steam Turbines. Between 1948-1952 Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology. An outstanding specialist in the field of steam turbine construction.

Country: Poland

University: University of Lodz

Specialization: mathematics

Professor at the University of Lodz and Lodz University of Technology. Head of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Lodz University of Technology. An outstanding mathematician, a specialist in the field of variation methods of combined functions.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: electrochemistry

Professor, long-time Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. An outstanding British specialist in electrochemistry and physical chemistry. He contributed to the development of scientific cooperation between Lodz University of Technology and the University he headed.

Country: Poland

University: Institute of Electrical Engineering in Warsaw

Specialization: electrotechnology

An outstanding scientist in the field of high-voltage technology. A founder and organizer of the Electrotechnical Institute in Warsaw. He was associated with the Lodz University of Technology in the first years of its existence in organizing the Department of High Voltage.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: electrical machines

Professor at Lodz University of Technology. A co-organizer of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at TUL. A founder of the Polish scientific school in the field of power transformers. He organized and for 26 years headed the Department of Electrical Machines and Transformers of Lodz University of Technology. He initiated and co-created the Polish transformer industry.

Country: Poland

University: University of Warsaw

Specialization: solid-state physics, mechanics

Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. A full member of PAS. An outstanding scientist of world authority in the field of solid body mechanics. Doctor honoris causa of many national and foreign universities. The founder of Polish scientific school in the field of building mechanics and theory of elasticity. Also known as a building constructor; many facilities were built according to his designs, including the Sports Hall in Lodz.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: electrotechnology

Professor and member of the Executive Board of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Chairman of the England and Wales Electricity Council. A prominent economic activist in the field of power systems. Vice-President of UNIPEDE (International Union of Electricity Producers and Distributors). He contributed significantly to the development of scientific cooperation between Lodz University of Technology and the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: physical chemistry

An outstanding scientist in the field of polymer physicochemistry. A member of the Scottish Science Committee, the Scottish Chemistry Committee, the Scottish Education Committee and many international scientific organizations. Professor and long-time Vice President of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. He contributed to the revival of cooperation with Poland, in particular with Lodz University of Technology and the Institute of Macromolecular Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz.

University: Louis Pasteur University

Specialization: macromolecular chemistry

Professor at the University of Strasbourg and Director of the CNRS Macromolecular Research Centre in Strasbourg, longtime chairman of the IUPAC Macromolecular Chemistry Department. An outstanding scientist in the field of macromolecular chemistry. He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Uppsala and Aberdeen.

Country: Great Britain

University: Univeristy of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Specialization: physicochemistry

Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. An initiator and long-time supervisor of scientific cooperation between the University of Strathclyde and Lodz University of Technology. A member of the British Royal Society. An outstanding physicochemist specializing in radiation chemistry, electromagnetic radiation and nuclear sciences. During World War II he was involved in the development of missile systems for the destruction of V1 and V2 missiles, submarine detection and the location of ground targets.

Country: Russia

University: Moscow Textile Institute

Specialization: Textile materials science

Professor and long-term rector of the Moscow Textile Institute. A specialist in the field of textile science.

Country: Great Britain

University: University of Cambridge, University of Leeds, University of Nottingham

Specialization: physical chemistry, radiation chemistry

An outstanding specialist in physical and radiation chemistry. He served as Rector of the University of Nottingham and Director of the Radiation Research Center at Cookridge near Leeds. He participated in the work of the UK governmental committees for science.

Country: Czech Republic

University: Technical University in Prague

Specialization: electrotechnology

A full member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, specialist in electric machines and transformers. Significant contribution to the world science was made by his work in the field of overvoltage issues in transformers.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: radiotechnology

In 1945 he was the first dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology. A founder of a Polish scientific school in the field of radio technology. His research into electromagnetic vibration generation and stabilization, as well as high vacuum technology became an integral part of worldwide science. A professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. A member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and many foreign academies of science. Doctor honoris causa of numerous domestic and foreign universities. He contributed greatly to the Polish resistance movement in investigating V2 rocket control systems.

Country: Russia

University: Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry

Specialization: sugar industry

Professor of Moscow Technological Institute of Food Industry. An outstanding specialist in sugar industry. His scientific work concerns the application of physicochemical theories in sugar industry technology.

Country: USSR.

University: Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Specialization: theory of mechanisms and machines.

A full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A specialist in the theory of mechanisms and machines. The author of generally accepted classification of mechanisms.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: mathematics

A co-founder of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Lodz University of Technology and the founder and head of the Department of Mathematics at this faculty in 1945-1947. An outstanding mathematician, a specialist in integral and partial differential equations. Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology and Military University of Technology.

Country: Poland

University: Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: physical chemistry

An outstanding, internationally renowned specialist in physical chemistry. Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, University of Warsaw and University of Pittsburgh. A member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. One of the creators of modern thermochemistry. Doctor honoris causa of numerous Polish and foreign universities. Between 1935-1939 he was Minister of Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology

Specialization: organic chemistry

A co-organiser of Lodz University of Technology since 1945. Its Rector in the years 1948-1952. A founder and long-term Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry at TUL. An outstanding specialist in the field of natural product chemistry and organic synthesis. In the pre-war period he worked for the S. Batory University in Vilnius and the University of Warsaw. A member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Country: Poland

University: Lodz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology

Specialization: technical thermodynamics

A founder and the first rector of Lodz University of Technology in 1945-1948. Professor of the Warsaw University of Technology, to which he returned in 1948. A full member of Polish Academy of Sciences. An outstanding specialist in technical thermodynamics and thermal technology. In the first period of his scientific activity he was associated with Lviv Polytechnic.