The Centre's mandate is to provide comprehensive support to TUL scientists in all aspects of science and research. Its activities are focused on the following areas.

  1. Supporting researchers in building their scientific careers with a particular focus on the university junior staff by:
    • developing the university promotion procedures and related legal regulations;

    • providing information on current scholarship schemes, competitions, awards, programmes and training;

    • monitoring changes in the ways in which researchers are assessed and in the requirements for different career levels;

    • servicing TUL's own Scholarship Fund, competitions for Rector's grants and scientific awards and other awards for scientists;

    • servicing the Integrated Information System for Higher Education and Science "POL-on" and other IT tools for promotion proceedings;

    • servicing the proceedings on awarding the honorary doctorate of Lodz University of Technology and the Medal of Honour of Lodz University of Technology;

    • servicing the Senate Committee on Science, Promotion and International Cooperation;

    • organising and/or supporting events popularising scientific activities at TUL.

  2. Coordinating activities related to open access publishing and the functioning of the Research Data Repository (RDB) at TUL.

  3. Implementation of tasks related to TUL's participation in the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) programme.

  4. Supporting the research community in applying for prestigious grants from the European Research Council (ERC).

  5. Development of the basis for the effective use of TUL research equipment.

In carrying out the above tasks, the Centre cooperates closely with the administrative units of TUL including, in particular, the Project Service Centre, the TUL Library, the Centre for Data and Strategic Analysis, the Legal Department, the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School and the Promotion Department.

The Research Support Centre is located in building A27, on the fourth floor, room CH-3,


Research Support Centre
90-924 Lodz, 116 Żeromskiego Street
building A27 room CH-3
+48 42 631 20 44