A person intending to apply for the initiation of the procedure for awarding the title of professor submits the documentation to the Council for Scientific Excellence.
2. The application - with attachments - is submitted in 1 copy in a paper form, and 6 copies saved on electronic data carriers.
3. The application should include:
cover letter,
applicant's data,
copies of documents confirming the possession of the doctoral and postdoctoral degrees,
summary presenting a description of outstanding scientific / artistic achievements, mainly those recognized as the most important,
list of published scientific / creative professional works,
information on didactic achievements and scientific supervision provided to students and doctoral students as a research tutor or supervisor / auxiliary supervisor / co-promoter,
information on participation in the work of research teams implementing projects financed by domestic and foreign competitions,
information on research internships,
lustration declaration (applies to persons born before 1 August 1972,
confirmation of payment to the Council for Scientific Excellence.
Details of the required documentation and document templates, are available on the CSE website in the Professorship procedures tab.
- A person applying for payment for the promotion procedure by Lodz University of Technology submits a relevant application - a template in the Appendix - and the documentation for the initiation of the procedure to be reviewed, to the Dean's Office designated to provide administrative services for the discipline/discipline concerned.
The Dean, upon granting consent to pay the fee, gives the payment order to the Bursary.
After making a payment to the CSE account, the Bursary informs the Dean and the candidate for the title of professor about this fact.
Fulfilment of the conditions for awarding the postdoctoral degree at Lodz University of Technology (§14 of Resolution No. 21/2021 of the Senate of Lodz University of Technology).
Submission of an application for the award of the postdoctoral degree to Lodz University of Technology via the Council for Scientific Excellence:
Within 4 weeks of receiving the application from the CSE, the Council for Academic Degrees adopts a resolution on granting consent or refusing to conduct the procedure.
The Council for Academic Degrees, within 6 weeks from the date of receipt of information about the members of the Committee appointed by the CSE, appoints a habilitation committee.
Reviewers draw up reviews within 8 weeks from the date of submission of the application).
The habilitation committee, after reading the reviews, conducts the habilitation colloquium within 4 weeks from the date of receipt of the last review. The committee notifies the candidate of the place and date of the colloquium at least seven days before its scheduled date.
The habilitation committee adopts a resolution with an opinion on the award of the postdoctoral degree no later than 6 weeks from the date of receipt of the last review.
Within one month from the date of submission of the resolution to the habilitation committee, the Council for Academic Degrees adopts a resolution on awarding or refusing to confer the postdoctoral degree.
Academic teachers employed by TUL are exempt from the fee for conducting the habilitation procedure.
Opinion of the supervisor (s) (Appendix 2 to Resolution No. 21/2021 of the Senate of Lodz University of Technology).
Collecting documents confirming the fulfilment of the conditions of Art. 189 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education (§3, (2) of the Resolution No. 21/2021 of Senate of Lodz University of Technology).
Submission of a complete set of documents at the dean's office appropriate for a given discipline (the doctoral dissertation will be verified by the Unified Anti-Plagiarism System).
Submission of an application to the appropriate Council for Academic Degrees via the Discipline Council relevant to the subject of the dissertation:
The Discipline Council verifies the documents and proposes, within one month of receiving the application, candidates for the Doctoral Committee.
The Council for Academic Degrees appoints the final composition of the Doctoral Committee and three reviewers.
Reviews are drawn up within two months from the date of submission of the dissertation to the reviewers.
After reading the reviews, the Doctoral Committee decides to admit the public defence (the date of public defence cannot be set earlier than 30 days from the dissertation being made available at the Public Information Bulletin on the University's website).
Public Defence:
The applicant for a doctoral degree presents the main assumptions and results of the doctoral dissertation.
All persons present at the meeting may take the floor while discussing the dissertation.
The Doctoral Committee adopts a resolution on the recommendation or refusal to award the academic degree of doctor.
The Council for Academic Degrees, at the request of the Doctoral Committee, adopts a resolution on the recommendation or refusal to award the academic degree of doctor.
Submission of an application to the appropriate Council for Academic Degrees via the Discipline Council for the appointment of a supervisor/supervisors (Appendix No. 5 to Resolution No. 21/2021 of the Senate of Lodz University of Technology)
The Discipline Council gives an opinion on the application and refers it to the Council for Academic Degrees
The Council for Academic Degrees appoints the supervisor(s) within 30 days from the date of submission of the application
Submitting (after receiving information on the appointment of supervisors) an application to the Council for Academic Degrees, via the relevant Discipline Council, to initiate the procedure for awarding the doctoral degree and indicating the person/entity financing the procedure.
Submission of documents confirming the fulfilment of the conditions in accordance with §3 (2-3) of the Resolutions No. 21/2021 of the Senate of Lodz University of Technology (Appendix No. 6 to the Resolution No. 21/2021 of Senate of Lodz University of Technology).
Conclusion of an agreement on the principles of financing the costs of conducting the procedure and regulating the examination in the discipline in which the degree will be conferred, and knowledge of a foreign language at the level of at least B2 (§11 (2) and §25 (2), (3) and (4) of Resolution No. 21/2021 Senate of Lodz University of Technology).
Submission of an application to the appropriate Council for Academic Degrees, via the Discipline Council, for the appointment of a committee to conduct an examination confirming qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework.