Authored on 04/20/2023 - 14:57
Kategorie aktualności

Dr Jacek Stańdo, TUL professor working at the Center for the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics, Lodz University of Technology, has been distinguished with the Ambassador of Innovation award (Ambasador Innowacyjności). The European Center for Economic Development (Europejski Ośrodek Rozwoju Gospodarki ) awarded this prestigious honor for, as stated in the letter of congratulation, ‘outstanding commitment to the many projects to promote innovation in Poland, as well as forward-thinking, out-of-the-box thinking and new approaches.’

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


Dr Jacek Stańdo is a mathematician who is passionate about bringing out-of-the-box advancements to the teaching and learning process to , encourage creativity and enthusiasm for learning. That is reflected in the projects he carried out with the funding granted by the European Union. He is currently in charge of 6 projects worth over 20 million złoty.

Within the framework of the project Development of e-materials for foreign language teaching (Italian), conducted in cooperation with the University of Lodz, 400 multimedia lessons for learning Italian are in the pipeline.

E-materials for healthcare, public welfare, personal and property security industries is another project that will produce 94 e-materials for vocational training for professions in the industries listed in the project’s name. It is carried out in partnership with the Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznań and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.

The materials developed in the two projects referred to above will be available from the Integrated Educational Platform (, recommended by the Ministry of the Economy as a tool of modern education.

The next three projects involve cooperation between secondary schools and universities in the field of mechanical and electrical technology education (mechanical, electrical, and renewable energy equipment and systems technicians). The goal is to develop a curriculum aligned with the demands of the job market and pilot implementation of the developed models at a selected class under the auspices of TUL at the ZSZ in Tomaszow Mazowiecki.

Dr Stańdo also leads the Erasmus + funded project 'Models for Teaching Three-Dimensional Geometry Using Virtual Reality - Math3DGeoVR." As he explains, 'The project adds a new and innovative dimension to learning and teaching geometry and spatial reasoning in a multidimensional environment.

Just recently, dr Jacek Stańdo has started working on the project of 'A modern model for a smart system for the assessment of learning outcomes in mathematics at different levels of the European Qualifications Framework'.