Authored on 03/16/2023 - 09:09
Kategorie aktualności

The panel of judges in the first edition of the Professor Włodzimierz Krysicki Competition for the prize given by the Head of the Institute of Mathematics, TUL, for the best undergraduate and graduate thesis in Applied Mathematics decided to grant two prizes.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

The prize winner for the best undergraduate thesis is lic. Patrycja Rękorajska for her work Metody segmentacji klientów (Customer segmentation methods). The thesis supervisor, dr hab. inż. Przemysław Gordinowicz, emphasized that the approach expounded in the thesis has been put into practice for segmenting customers of the online pet store Max&Mrau. Referring to the topic of the work, he stated,

‘Patrycja Rękorajska describes methods for retailer customer segmentation based on RFM analysis which takes into account customer behavior such as the time since the last transaction, frequency of transactions and their value. The collected transaction data forms the basis for customer categorization. Consequently, distinct marketing strategies can be deployed for each group. At the time of transaction, customers are classified into predetermined groups. Further down the road, the strategies are revised and customers are re-grouped once a more extensive transaction record is available.

Having completed her first degree, Patrycja Rękorajska went on to pursue a second degree in Applied Mathematics, combining it with a job in the data analysis department at Max&Mrau, under the supervision mgr Jacek Grabowski, co-supervisor of her prizewinning undergraduate thesis.

The prize for the best graduate thesis was awarded to mgr Agnieszka Augustyniak, for her study Funkcje agregujące i ich zastosowania w matematyce aktuarialnej (Aggregation functions and their applications in actuarial mathematics). As explained by the supervisor, dr hab inż. Marek Kaluszka, TUL prof.,

‘The distinguished work is concerned with aggregation functions, i.e., representations that turn a set of available data into a single number so that a final decision can be made based on it for a given multi-criteria problem. The author proposed a new approach to determining insurance premiums by applying regression functions and the Akaike Information Criterion from a behavioral perspective’.

Agnieszka Augustyniak graduated with distinction with a Master degree in Applied Mathematics from the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics in 2022. She is currently employed at Bank Pekao S.A. as a specialist for risk process digitization.

The prizes worth 6000 złoty were funded by Rossmann.

The laureates will be presented with the award diplomas during the Special Session of Lodz University of Technology Senate on May 24, 2023.