Authored on 04/03/2023 - 11:20
Kategorie aktualności

The Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning hosted BIMaHEAD Workshop organized within the framework of the international project Building digital coMpetencies of students and teacHers in construction related degrees & incrEasing digitAl reaDiness of EU universities ongoing at Lodz University of Technology. The workshop, held on March 29, 2023, was intended to give an overview of the project and provide hands-on learning experience with the aid of IT and exploration of the virtual world.

Written by Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning


The BIMaHEAD project, carried out by five institutions from France, Germany, Sweden, North Macedonia, and Poland is directed to all those interested in gaining practical training and raising their specialist competences, mainly to architects, designers and engineers engaged in the construction industry, as well as students majoring in these fields. The BIMaHEAD project partners have developed five e-learning modules addressing the following topics:

  • Finding form with BIM under environmental constraints
  • BIM How-To
  • Collision detection with BIM
  • Cost estimation with BIM
  • Building energy calculation and energy performance assessment with BIM

During the e-learning development phase, the Lodz University of Technology team was responsible for a module on collision detection with BIM, which is an extremely important part of the design process and one that should precede the construction phase (eds. BIM means a digital construction process harnessing data for faster, better, and greener construction). A building information model allows you to see whether the digital twin of the building planned for construction is sound and whether any collisions of various kinds occur between its elements.

The module was designed by dr hab. inż. arch. Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, TUL professor, dr inż. arch. Agata Glinkowska-Musiałek, mgr inż. arch. Karolina Dróżdż, and mgr inż. arch. Michal Jarzyna, who developed an interactive online course, similar in its structure to a computer game. The first user tests were conducted in December 2022. With feedback gathered from participants and reviewed, the product was refined and retested. The BIMaHEAD workshop presented an opportunity for hands-on experience of the final outcome.

The team implementing the project trust that the digital competencies gained through BIMaHEAD will help promote highly skilled professionals in the AEC sector, which should contribute favorably to local, regional, national, and European economic development.