Authored on 03/16/2023 - 09:37
Kategorie aktualności

Fourteen undergraduate students were admitted to the second edition of the E2TOP program: 5 in their first year and 9 more advanced in their degree programs. They were introduced at the opening day of the Research Week.  The selected fourteen will conduct interesting research projects under the guidance of TUL researchers.

Written by Łukasz Szymański, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems
Chair of the E2TOP Program Council


First-year students

  • Kornel Zawadzki, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, will work on his project called ‘Baranek czy byk - aerodynamika kierownic rowerowych’ (Ram-horns or bull-horns – aerodynamics of bicycle handlebars) under the guidance of dr inż. Michał Lipian.
  • Maciej Szulczewski, also from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, will design ‘Robot pneumatyczny przeznaczony do diagnostyki układu pokarmowego człowieka’ (A Pneumatic robot for human gastrointestinal endoscopy). Research guidance will be provided by dr inż. Łukasz Frącczak.
  • Dawid Bernatowicz, the Faculty of Chemistry, decided to pursue a project called ‘Wyłapane w sieci’ (Caught in the net). This study, supervised by dr hab. inż. Marcin Kozanecki, TUL prof., will deal with selective removal of specific organic pollutants from the aquatic environment.
  • Witold Formański, the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics, will do research on a topic proposed by dr inż. Piotr Duch. The project ‘Co Ci dolega?’ (What is bugging you?) will aim to develop an algorithm to help determine whether the patient in the x-ray ‘photo’ has or does not have pneumonia.
  • Agata Świetlik, the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics, under the mentorship of dr hab. Dariusz Siudak, will work on a project called ‘Odwzorowanie pajęczyny giełdowej zapaści - innowacyjne zastosowanie sztucznej inteligencji’ (Mapping the spider network of the stock market crash – an innovative application of AI)

Students further into their degree programs
This group includes the following participants of the first edition:

  • Michał Grabowski (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) – project ‘TUBE 3D - tuleja o zwiększonej odporności na zużycie ścierne i chemiczne’ (TUBE 3D – bushings with enhanced abrasive and chemical wear resistance), research guidance provided by dr hab. inż. Cezary Rapiejko, TUL prof.
  • Wiktor Barańczyk (Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering) – project ‘Czy rozumiesz co do Ciebie migam?’(Do you understand what I am signing to you?), research guidance provided by dr inż. Piotr Duch.
  • Masza Góralczyk (Faculty of Chemistry) – project ‘Dragi w sieci’ (Drugs in networks), research guidance provided by dr hab. inż. Marcin Kozanecki, TUL prof.
  • Anna Kania (Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design) – project ‘Opracowanie koncepcji rusztowań nośnych zastawki trójdzielnej serca w technice dziewiarskiej’ (Designing knitted scaffold for the tricuspid valve of the heart), research guidance provided by dr inż. Magdalena Kłonowska and dr inż. Katarzyna Pieklak.
  • Wiktoria Gerlicz (Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences) – project ‘KerOUT - enzymatyczny rozkład odpadów keratynowych’ (KerOUT – enzymatic degradation of keratin waste), research guidance provided by dr hab. inż. Aneta Białkowska, TUL prof.
  • Marta Kopytowska (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering) - project ‘Inteligentne węzły w konstrukcjach stalowych wykorzystujące ziemne położenie środka obrotu’ (Designing smart nodes for steel structure connections with the instantaneous center of rotation method), research guidance provided by dr hab. inż. Artur Wirowski.

The following individuals were also selected for the program:

  • Anna Walczak (Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering) – project ‘RUBIN - wspieranie refleksji z wykorzystaniem użytkowej biżuterii interaktywnej’ (RUBIN – enhancing reflection with smart jewelry), research guidance provided by dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Grudzień, TUL prof.
  • Konrad Stefaniak (Faculty of Chemistry) – project ‘Kompozyty poli(kwasu mlekowego) z dodatkami substancji pochodzenia roślinnego’ (Poly(lactic acid) composites with plant-based additives), research guidance provided by dr hab. inż. Anna Masek, TUL prof.
  • Sergiusz Rosiak (Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences) – project ‘Biodegradowalny polimer na bazie polilaktydu do zastosowania w opakowaniach żywności’ (Biodegradable polylactide-based polymer for food packaging application), research guidance provided by prof. Grażyna Budryn and dr hab. inż. Anna Marzec, TUL prof.