Authored on 03/03/2023 - 13:35
Kategorie aktualności

In February 2023, the annual Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition was held in Thailand.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


One of the exhibited inventions was the environmentally-friendly phantom for basic CPR training. The authors of the EcoCPR Ecological Manikin For Basic Life Support Training are dr Filip Jaśkiewicz and dr Marcin Cierniak of the Medical University of Lodz, dr Rafał Dobruchowski of the Academy of Fine Arts, and dr inż. Przemysław Sękalski of the Information Technology Centre, Lodz University of Technology.

Not only was the effect of the collaborative work of researchers affiliated with three different universities in Łódź recognized with a Gold Medal, but it also won The Outstanding International Invention & Innovation Award, which was only given to the best six inventions selected out of more than 3,000 entries. It is important to point out that it has been a long time since anyone from a non-Asian country received this highly-regarded recognition.

Dr inż. Przemysław Sękalski explains

‘The eco-phantom is made from recyclable materials: paper, cardboard and coir. The chest springs that mimic the resistance during chest compressions are also sustainable. What it won the international recognition for, among other things, was the new approach to designing and manufacturing this type of device without compromising its quality, functionality, and performance. The mobile app that continuously monitors if the resuscitation is performed correctly and transmits the data to the cloud is its another distinguishing feature. In the future gamification elements are planned to be incorporated to encourage as many people as possible to want to learn how to save a human life’.