Authored on 03/17/2023 - 15:02
Kategorie aktualności

In January 2023, the Faculty of Organization and Management, TUL, joined the Polish-Romanian-Moldovan consortium formed to carry out an Erasmus+ education project called Developing and improving the STEAM skills of students and teachers for curriculum innovation and sustainable development of higher education institutions and local businesses. The name of the project succinctly explains its objectives: the EU members of the consortium shall support the non-EU members in the development of innovative education by sharing their best practice and experience.


Universitatea Politehnica din București (Polytechnic University of Bucharest) is the leader of the project, whereas the tasks for the Polish partners are coordinated by dr hab. inż Andrzej Marcinkowski, TUL prof. of the Institute of Marketing and Sustainable Development. The researcher explains,

‘The goal of the project is to develop and implement an innovative curriculum for undergraduate degree programs in Business and Administration in five Moldovan universities. The purpose of this curriculum is to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). The actualization of the STEAM concept in today's education is vital, as it greatly expands the scope of knowledge required when carrying out projects, augmented by aspects of creative thinking. It is expected that the project will increase the relevance of education by aligning the university's instructional offer with the needs of the business environment in Moldova’.

The project, scheduled to run until December 2025, is funded by the European Commission (European Education and Culture Executive Agency) under the Capacity Building in Higher Education action. Its , the value is almost €720,000.