Authored on 01/19/2022 - 13:11
Kategorie aktualności

The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy has awarded Lodz University of Technology PLN 11.5 million for the thermal modernization of two university buildings. The first is the future headquarters of the Centre of Excellence in Universal Design, while the second will house a kindergarten for children of staff and students of Lodz University of Technology.

written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor in-chief


The announcement of the awarded funds was made during a press briefing. The good news was delivered by the Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, Waldemar Buda, who presented the Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, with a specially prepared board symbolising the purpose of the funds obtained from the EU. This solemn moment was witnessed by the Governor of the Lodz Voivodship, Tobiasz Adam Bocheński. The funds come from the EU's Infrastructure and Environment Programme. The total value of thermo-modernization and reconstruction of both buildings is PLN 14.15 million.

The planned establishment of a kindergarten, teaching laboratories and laboratories on the campus are very important investments not only from the point of view of their function. These investments will serve the development of scientific research and improve the quality of education, said Waldemar Buda, secretary of state at the ministry of funds and regional policy

Thermomodernization of buildings at Lodz University of Technology will contribute to reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. When the work is completed, the buildings will become modern and energy efficient.

11.5 million is a big boost and helps to quickly implement the investments for which this money was granted. Thank you very much - emphasised the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik. - Thanks to these funds, we will improve the energy efficiency of the buildings, and ultimately lower the costs for the university.

The project will allow for the adaptation of two old buildings located in Campus A. They will be adapted to the current standards and technical conditions.

Rector prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, noting that the Lodz University of Technology is a socially responsible institution, said

- An example of activities in this direction is a kindergarten for children of employees, doctoral students and university students. On the other hand, the Centre of Excellence in Universal Design  is a place for preparing personnel for our economy, who will be aware of human limitations and will be able to construct in such a way as to ensure such social accessibility.

The Centre of Excellence in Universal Design is an element of the "Accessible Lodz University of Technology" project. The Center will develop and test solutions designed for all users, and therefore also covering the needs of people with disabilities. New ideas will be favored by a modern, multifunctional space. Advanced technology will be used in the Center for education, research and projects related to social challenges.  The laboratories will be a friendly place supporting creative, interdisciplinary work in multifunctional spaces. The building will provide space for experiments using advanced technology, as part of scientific research and projects relating to social challenges.

Non-public Kindergarten of the Lodz University of Technology will be located in the modernized A14 building. For this investment, the rector, prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik paid special attention to his election program. From September the kindergarten will be available to 100 toddlers aged 2.5 and over.