Authored on 01/23/2023 - 08:33
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology has finally learned the official results of the ministerial university evaluation for 2017-2021. The results are excellent. Out of the twelve evaluated disciplines, as many as three received the coveted A+ category. These are chemical sciences, food and nutrition technology and chemical engineering.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


Rector professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, referring to the results published back in August, said

'We were not satisfied with the results. It was possible for universities to appeal against the first evaluation decisions, and that is what we did. I am glad that the appeals were duly substantiated. The decisions we have now received are final’.  

Prof. Małgorzata I. Szynkowska-Jóźwik, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chair of the Discipline Council, thus commented on the excellent A+ grade for chemical sciences,

‘The assessment of our performance has shown that we have an outstanding track record for all three criteria. The number and quality of the publications by our faculty members, as well as their citation rates, are on a par with the best performing units evaluated in the discipline. The number of research projects carried out in the discipline of chemical sciences at TUL is, on average, higher than 1 per faculty member. Our achievements have led to the development of innovative patent-protected solutions, which have been implemented into production in Polish companies and successfully marketed internationally. This excellent result of the evaluation would not have been possible without the tremendous commitment and effort of all the people ranked N in the discipline, whom I would like to thank and congratulate. This is our great collective success’.

Professor Anna Diowksz, Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, thus described the main determinants of the award of the A+ grade for food technology and nutrition

'The experts appreciated the above-average effectiveness and interdisciplinary nature of the research conducted in the discipline of food technology and nutrition. What particularly distinguishes us is our close cooperation with the socio-economic environment, due to the practical experience of our faculty members. For many years, Lodz University of Technology has played a leading role when it comes to cooperation with the national food sector. The research and development work undertaken for the benefit of business organizations is marked by a high level of innovation, thereby guaranteeing companies the growth they need to compete in global markets’.

Prof. Hanna Kierzkowska-Pawlak, Chair of the Discipline Council, offered the following remarks on the superb A+ rating awarded to the discipline of chemical engineering,

‘The evaluators recognized the high quality and application potential of our research in the discipline. We have an outstanding record in the number of scientific projects that have been funded with European Union grants, which contributes to making Lodz University of Technology a leader among technical universities in obtaining research funding from the European Union. The research and development work we do in cooperation with business partners drives the advancement of technological innovation in many industries while taking environmental concerns into account. The experts also appreciated the long line of fine chemical engineering researchers that Lodz University of Technology has been known for. The highest rating awarded by the evaluators is a direct result of the commitment and hard work of many people, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of them’.

Rector prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik pointed out that 

'The results of the assessment of the university's research performance over the past five years bear testimony to the high quality of its research, good financial results and a significant impact of our activities on the quality of life and economic development. I also hope that they will have some impact on the size of the subsidy for the university. The outcome is a product of the intense efforts of a great many people, for which I would like to express my sincere appreciation’.

The following disciplines have been awarded category A:

  • information and communication technology
  • materials engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • mathematics
  • physical sciences  
  • management and quality sciences

Category B was awarded to the following disciplines:

  • architecture and urban planning
  • automation, electronics and electrical engineering
  • civil engineering and transport