Authored on 02/06/2023 - 09:13
Kategorie aktualności

Air travel is an important complement to other modes of regional transport. In some regions, it is the only viable option. Yet, typical of these short flights are high CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions, which reduces their competitiveness against, for example, high-speed trains or the increasingly popular electric and hybrid cars.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief

The word hybridization is the keyword for the project known by the acronym HE-ART (Multi-MW Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for Regional Aircraft), funded under the Horizon Europe. The project's budget exceeds EUR 60 million, which means that the consortium implementing it,  including Lodz University of Technology, has no mean feat to achieve: cleaner and greener aircraft operating on regional lines.

At Lodz University of Technology, the project is coordinated by the rector, prof Krzysztof Jóźwik. The Institute of Turbomachinery, of which he is Head, has already developed several world-class innovations that have been implemented by the aviation industry.

‘The goal of the HE-ART project is to design new aircraft for regional transport, powered by a hybrid-electric propulsion system and capable of energy recovery at lower noise levels. Lodz University of Technology is one of the 30 partners, among whom there are leading engine manufacturers (Rolls Royce and Safran), aircraft manufacturers (ATR, Airbus and Leonardo), and research institutes’ professor Krzysztof Jóźwik explained and went on to add ‘Our task in the HE-ART project is related to the design and calculation of the propulsion system components’.

The budget earmarked for the research that will be conducted at TUL is € 250 000.