In an interview with "Życie Uczelni", Professor Bartoszewicz emphasises
- The Polish Academy of Sciences is based on two main pillars. One is the scientific institutes and the other is the corporation of eminent scholars who, by electing the directors of the institutes and periodically evaluating their work, influence the research conducted in these units. It is worth recalling that the employees of the institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences are not engaged in teaching, but devote all their time to conducting research, which allows many of them to obtain very good results. Members of the corporation are chosen not only from among PAN employees, but also include the best professors from Polish universities.
Scientists affiliated with PAN who come from Lodz University of Technology include, apart from the newly elected president of the Lodz Branch, excellent scientists from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Prof. Jan Awrejcewicz and Prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak, who are full members.
- I would very much like to see more people from our university join the Academy in the upcoming elections, even though we already have the largest number of scientists from all the universities in Lodz in PAN, says Prof. Andrzej Bartoszewicz and adds, "The third pillar is the Academy of Young Scientists, which in the previous term included Professors Anna Fabijańska and Przemysław Perlikowski, and now the Polish Young Academy - Polish Academy of Sciences includes Marta Gmurek, PhD, a professor from TUL.
When asked about the Lodz Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Bartoszewicz replies:
Although our branch is not numerous, we certainly work actively and are well perceived in the national arena. This is evidenced, among other things, by the election of the Branch's current President, Prof. Aleksander Welfe, as Vice President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the appointment of Prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak as Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2023-2026.
About the plans and tasks to be carried out, the president-elect of the Lodz Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences says -
The most important task currently facing all Polish researchers, both those working at universities and in units of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is to restore science to its proper social rank. We should have a greater influence on economic and administrative decision-making. We must also ensure that our work is better perceived, because without greater confidence in the results of reliable scientific research, there is very little chance of civilisational development. Appreciating the great achievements of the authorities of Lodz University of Technology in this respect, the Lodz Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences will continue its existing cooperation with the university and is willing to undertake new joint initiatives.
In conclusion, Professor Bartoszewicz adds:
Certainly, the Polish Academy of Sciences enjoys well-deserved prestige, which we will maintain and strengthen through consistent work and good communication with the environment.