Authored on 03/22/2024 - 13:23
Kategorie aktualności

On the seventh of March, yet again this year, Lodz University of Technology's Performance Hall became the venue for the Czwartkowe Forum Kultury [Thursday Cultural Forum] meeting event. This time, Jakub Garbacz, an organist at the Archcathedral Basilica of Saint Stanisław Kostka in Łódź and also one of Poland's foremost organ virtuosos, was the guest speaker.

Written by Michał Grzelak, Media and Communications Office


Jakub Garbacz is a highly experienced musician, a true expert who is passionate about the pipe organ - the royal instrument, the music of which has fascinated humans for centuries. He graduated with honours from prof. Mirosław Pietkiewicz's organ class at the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź. He honed his outstanding performing skills taking part in numerous master classes in organ improvisation and interpretation.

Jakub Garbacz is the principal organist of the Archcathedral Basilica in Łódź. He is greatly enthusiastic about organizing recurring concerts and festivals. The artist serves as artistic director of the Jesienne Dni Muzyki Organowej i Sakralnej [Autumn Days of Organ and Sacred Music] and Katedralne wieczory muzyczne [Musical Evenings at the Cathedral] concert series. He created and now organizes the Festiwal Muzyki Organowej i Kameralnej [Organ and Chamber Music Festival] in Skierniewice.

During the Thursday meeting, there was no shortage of video footage that offered the attendees a peek into the different stages in the career of an organist. Their attention was, however, captured most of all by a fascinating story about the construction of the organ, extremely complex and arcane, illustrated with many interesting photos and anecdotes from the artist.