Authored on 04/17/2023 - 09:43
Kategorie aktualności

The jubilee was celebrated in an exquisite setting, as the prominent Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic Hall in Łódź provided the venue for the concert organized on the occasion. The regularly held soirees with music, most often classical, but occasionally a bit more lighthearted, began more than 30 years ago because Professor Jan Krysinski, a long-time rector of Lodz University of Technology, brought his vision to life. Named Music at Lodz University of Technology, for many years, the concerts were held in the Mirror Hall of the Scheibler Villa at 266 Piotrkowska Street, and have now been moved to the TUL Performing Arts Auditorium. Succeeding rectors took patronage of the concerts. The current rector, professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, was the host of the jubilee evening.

Written by Hanna Morawska


The event opened with the Polonaise from the orchestral suite Pan Tadeusz by Wojciech Kilar, performed by the Academic Orchestra of Lodz University of Technology, conducted by maestro Marcin Werner. Speeches, congratulations and, above all, words of acknowledgment followed the spirited musical introduction. Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik welcomed the honorable guests: senator Ryszard Bonisławski, Deputy Mayor Małgorzata Moskwa-Wodnicka, the rectors Elżbieta Aleksandrowicz (Academy of Music in Łódź) and Robert Zakrzewski (University of Lodz), as well as, to a standing ovation, professor Jan Krysiński and his wife Halina Krysińska, and Grażyna Sikorska the spiritus movens of Music at Lodz University of Technology from its very beginning. The acknowledgements were accompanied with lovely flower bouquets. A large flower basket for the Hall's staff placed in the center of the stage completed the festive look.

Rector prof. Krzysztof Jóżwik, Grażyna Sikorska and prof. Jan Krysiński

Professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, the rector, said ‘It was one of professor Jan Krysinski's remarkable ideas that Lodz University of Technology should also foster pursuits in areas other than engineering. His determination and love of music are what made the idea materialize. (...) Well-known artists, true stars and those only starting their careers who today perform on grand stages, have performed here. The artists we come to admire are exceptional but the equally wonderful is the loyal audience.’ Presenting the program of the concert, the rector went on to say 'It will get serious, spooky at times. There will be moments when you feel like dancing, and the end will keep you in stitches.’

And so it was. The concert was hosted by professor Jan Krysiński and Grażyna Sikorska. Sitting on the stage in stylish armchairs, surrounded by flowers, they not only introduced the artists, but recollected the stories of when they first met them, the first concerts and the accompanying difficulties and small triumphs.

The performers had always delighted the audience during the evenings with "Music at Lodz University of Technology. It was no different this time. To highlight any of the artists would be impossible as they all gave superb performances, both in terms of the repertoire as well as their musicianship. The audience did, however, gave a special round of applause to a few of the them. Among those were the duo Aleksander Stachowski (accordion) and Dominik Domińczak (clarinet), who with great bravado performed Huculska mozaika (and other pieces), Agnieszka Makówka, a wonderful mezzo-soprano, who has been with Music at Lodz University of Technology since her college years, and the baritone Rafał Songan. Iza Połońska offered a truly moving rendition of Truskawki w Milanówku, with a special dedication to professor Krysiński. Many heartfelt words of appreciation were directed to Aleksandra Nawe and Ewa Szpakowska, two unfailingly wonderful pianists who accompanied the singers and who have cooperated with Music at TUL for many years.

The Academic Orchestra of Lodz University of Technology, who not only performed pieces from their repertoire arranged engagingly by Marcin Werner, but also accompanied the soloists, gave an excellent performance.

The grand finale, heralded by the rector, belonged to Grupa MoCarta. The great sense of humor, musical intelligence, and virtuoso performance were a wonderful conclusion of the concert.

681 concerts took place over the thirty years of Music at Lodz University of Technology. The regularly held event boasts many loyal friends, a wealth of history, and has even survived the pandemic with concerts performed and recorded without the audience and streamed on the Internet. Closing the evening, professor Krzysztof Jóźwik invited the audience to the next, 682nd concert, whereas professor Jan Krysinski offered the following assurance ‘Till the next jubilee in 5 years.’