Authored on 02/03/2023 - 11:46
Kategorie aktualności

There is no doubt that the 180-year-old Oak Fabrykant, which was announced the Tree of the Year in the 2022 Polish edition of the contest organized by Klub Gaya, rules supreme in the park located on TUL campus. This month, however, the oak from Łódź is vying with another 15 trees across Europe for the title of the 2023 European Tree of the Year.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


The voting period opened on February 1 – the same day that Rob McBride, a dendrophile and an ambassador for the European Tree of the Year Contest, visited Łódź. Tree Hunter Rob McBride greeted Oak Fabrykant, measured its circumference, and gave the tree his best regards. The event was observed by a large number of journalists.

Opening the media briefing, professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology – the university which the Bishop Michał Klepacz Park belongs to, remarked

‘This aged oak tree is the crown jewel of our university’s beautiful campus. We understand the significance and value of natural monuments, which is why we take great care to make sure it is healthy by conducting specialized research. Oak Fabricant has been sprucing itself up as well growing over the years into a majestic tree with beautifully-shaped boughs and branches. My fingers are crossed for the oak to win in the European Tree of the Year contest’.

Rob McBride has dedicated himself to protecting and campaigning for trees. A photographer, traveler, community activist and a great lover of ancient trees,  he uses social media to share stories of the exceptional trees he records. During his visit to the Klepacz Park, he appealed

‘People from Poland, vote for Fabrykant Oak, today!!’

He went on to say that for the first time in the history of the contest a tree from Ukraine has been nominated. The tree is located near the border with Russia. Speaking of his love of trees, he drew attention to the fact that it is taking care of ancient trees is no less important that planting new ones.

Oak Fabrykant is a Łódź landmark. Its quirky, nearly 20-meter-long, s-shaped bough never fails to make an impression. The circumference of the tree is 4.7 m. Captivated by its beauty, Przemysław Bartos, a native of Sosnowiec, is the one to have nominated the oak for the Tree of the Year contest. Adam Pustelnik, vice President of the City of Łódź, regards Fabrykant’s participation in the European popular vote Competition as an inportant component of the promotion of the city and of Poland’s natural heritage.

Jacek Bożek, President of Klub Gaja, on the other hand put emphasis on building a sense of communal custodianship with regard to trees, especially the ancient ones which should be appreciated and guarded. ‘Nature pleads with us to be its stewards, its keepers, for ourselves and for generations to come’ he stated. The European Tree of the Year is an instrument of this stewardship.
If you wish to cast your vote, please go to