Authored on 03/01/2023 - 11:41
Kategorie aktualności

The first edition of the E2TOP program came to a close in mid-February. A group of first-year students selected by the Program Board received a research grant and academic support from tutors. Further inspiration came through tutoring sessions. The Chair of the Program Council, dr hab. inż. Łukasz Szymański, TUL professor, summed the program up:

‘The students who joined the E2TOP program regarded it primarily as an opportunity for rapid development. They also appreciated that it allowed them to learn about different research techniques and develop practical skills during their the laboratory training’.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


Program Participants, the floor is yours to talk about your research projects and your E2TOP experience

  • Michał Grabowski, a student of mechanical engineering, did a project on 'Combining 3D printing with lightweight textile construction for a knee orthosis'. He talks about it enthusiastically ‘I was given an extraordinary opportunity to develop my passions, to explore the world of science, which is something I had always dreamed of. I was able to learn, do research, and write research papers. The cherry on top was that I was to speak at an international scientific conference in Czechia’. Dr hab. inż. Marcin Barburski was the student's scientific supervisor.
  • Wiktor Barańczyk is a computer science student. His project ‘Do you understand what I am signing to you?’ involved developing an algorithm for the recognition and translation of sign language signs and gestures. He worked under the supervision of dr. inż. Piotr Duch. ‘When I joined E2TOP, I knew next to nothing about artificial intelligence, but under the guidance of my tutor I quickly learned everything I needed to start my AI adventure. Over the past year, I built a database of photos of people signing and a set of models that recognize with high accuracy selected Polish Sign Language signs shown in the photos. I learned how to collect and prepare data to train neural networks and how to build these networks. I also had the opportunity to visit the Netherlands for a summer school related to artificial intelligence’.
  • Masza Góralczyk, a student majoring in bioinspired materials, says ‘Drugs in the arms of her majesty the queen of life’ was the research project I worked on in the research group of dr hab. inż. Marcin Kozanecki. I conducted spectroscopic analysis of aqueous solutions of mediations with low solubility - sulfonamides. For many drugs, limited solubility in aqueous media is one of the biggest challenge in their effective delivery. The results obtained were quite surprising, as variations  were observed in completely different spectral bands than initially expected. This pushed the research into a new direction. I have found that science may take you by surprise’.
  • Anna Kania, a student of the textiles and fashion industry, carried her research project under the scientific guidance of dr. hab. inż. Marcin Barburski, TUL professor. The project was called ‘Heat-generating textile composites for the construction industry’.
  • Wiktoria Gerlicz, a biotechnology student, worked under the mentorship of dr hab. inż. Aneta Białkowska, TUL professor, on the problem ‘Microbial consortia – useful tools for a biotechnologist.’ In her own words ‘In the past year, I learned a lot about laboratory techniques and the process of conducting research. I isolated 109 bacterial strains that have the potential to degrade keratin waste (animal feathers and hair). I also had the privilege of working on team prof. Białkowska's team of doctoral candidates, who provided me with invaluable help and support. As part of my Individual Study Program, I took classes in spectroscopy and mass spectrometry at the Faculty of Chemistry. The grant I received allowed me to attend training courses in microbiome analysis and biostatistics’.
  • Marta Kopytkowska, a civil engineering student emphasized ‘The program introduced me into the world of research and helped me design a new type of steel structure node. Together with my research supervisor dr. hab. inż. Artur Wirowski I presented the results of my research project called 'Let's build us a tree - bionics in civil engineering’ at a conference in Porto’.

The second edition of the E2TOP program starts in the 2022/23 summer term. All the students that started their scientific odyssey a year ago are adjusting their sails.