Authored on 04/17/2023 - 08:57
Kategorie aktualności

In a nutshell, the Strefa ROSSwoju (ROSSdevelopment Zone) inaugurated on the premises of the Faculty of Organization and Management (OiZ) is a functional space where you can go to during a break between the lectures, review your notes, meet with friends or just relax.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka


Rossmann's cooperation with Lodz University of Technology, which dates back many years, includes collaborative research projects, paid internships, scholarships and, from this time forward, a coworking zone.

Rector professor Krzysztof Jóźwik, expressing thanks to Rossman for giving the university a new space, said, ‘Working together with large companies, especially Łódź-based ones, is an important aspect of the university operations. We present students with opportunities for development, encourage their creativity, inspire them to choose the best career path, and enable regular interaction with business. On the other hand, we are also sending the following message to business: we are training your future workers, preparing them to transform your organization into a more modern one, and to improve it with fresh, professional insights. I am convinced that each party recognizes a number of genuine benefits of this cooperation, and one of them is undoubtedly the newly inaugurated zone, which can now serve as a hallmark of successful collaboration.’

Rossmann is an active member of the Business Council operating at the Faculty of OiZ. The Dean, professor Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, pointed out that specialists from the company provide input into the curriculum design. 'We regard employers’ assessments of our programs as very important.’

As noted by Deputy Mayor of Lodz Adam Pustelnik, who attended the opening, Rossmann is one of the few corporations to have their headquarters in Łódź. 'I am convinced that this new space will be where thousands of interesting ideas will collide leading to something truly beneficial," he said, congratulating the university and the company on the successful cooperation.’

Rossmann's IT center employs more than 300 individuals and continues to grow. Most of them are TUL alumni. ‘Bringing together TUL students and Rossmann engineers to work on innovation is a particularly interesting project', says Piotr Kiszkiel, Director IT, giving as an example the in-store navigation app and customer traffic analysis, as well as a few others soon to be launched at

The Strefa ROSSwoju was designed by Rossman staff. According to Ilona Perużyńska-Zych, Director Human Resources at the company, 'We managed to design an almost 50-square-meter of welcoming and functional space intended for collaborative learning and working, inspiration, but also for socializing and relaxation. We are committed to making students feel comfortable at the university and having a place where they can expand their interests.’

Strefa Rosswoju na OiZ PŁ

In the space, despite its small size, a number of designated areas, each with a different purpose, were naturally created with furniture and other equipment. A frame table made of ribbed rebar with a tempered glass top is perfect to place a laptop on. The armchairs at the coffee tables afford an opportunity for one-on-one conversations or a moment of relaxation. In the center of the room there are larger round tables where several people can sit comfortably. One wall of the room is covered with blackboard paint so students can write on it with chalk. There is also a screen, an overhead projector, and extra chairs stored in the seating against the wall useful when classes, workshops or other meetings are held in the room. Two remote-controlled monitors are to serve as Rossmann's communication channel with students. Job offers, paid internships, and information about projects organized by the company for students are already displayed on them.

'A sure hit is the monkey hanging from the ceiling, right at the very entrance to the room. It is a kind of a design joke and a wink to the students meaning 'hey, we could all use some healthy self-distancing', says Perużyńska-Zych.

The first guest to meet with students in the newly opened Zone was dr Maciej Kawecki, lecturer and technology journalist, who spoke about innovation, especially AI-related innovation. The opening of the Strefa ROSSwoju was accompanied with a blood drive, which dozens of people signed up for, as well as first aid instruction.