Authored on 03/06/2023 - 12:04
Kategorie aktualności

The first edition of The School of Competences for the Industry of the 21st Century is now completed. The project was implemented under the SPINAKER program funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

Written by Małgorzata Jakubowicz, TUL International Cooperation Centre


The project was addressed to students of engineering students enrolled at partner universities with which Lodz University of Technology has Double Diploma agreements and with which Lodz University of technology exchanges students under the Erasmus+ program.  

The first edition of the School was attended by 32 students, mainly from France, Germany, and Spain. The primary objective was to enable the participants to build competences required in today’s industry, e.g., creativity, high responsiveness, and ability to adapt to day-to-day working in the VUCA world, i.e. a world of change and uncertainty.

The students were presented with challenges by IFE business partners: Amazon, B/S/H, Good Wood and Faurecia. Each company took a group of 10 students under its wing. In 5-person subgroups, they to tried to solve problems formulated by the mentor companies and worked with the support from and under the supervision of the lecturers from our university.

After 4 days of morning lectures, afternoon struggles, discussions, getting hands-on experience and making observations, presentations were delivered which brought about surprising conclusions and solutions that satisfied even the most demanding specialists. The GOOD WOOD/BSH team, working under the watchful eye of dr inż. Irena Jałmużna, Institute of Marketing and Sustainable Development, and Adam Jankowski, B/S/H, won the Challenge by proposing improvements to the production and quality system before the Jury.

In The School's curriculum, the lectures and workshops were accompanied by social events. Foreign students took a tour of Łódź which included a visit to Księży Młyn, Poznański Palace and a walk along Piotrkowska Street. The walk coincided with the 31st Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, which allowed them to experience this special event and raised their awareness of the importance of grassroots charity initiatives in Poland. Finally, after days with very busy schedules, the participants were allowed to relax at the Uniejów thermal spa.

The second edition of the project is scheduled for early summer 2023.