Authored on 07/04/2023 - 15:13
Kategorie aktualności

With the beginning of July, the second edition of the Spinaker project, funded by NAWA with EU funds, kicked off at the Faculty of OiZ. The first one was successfully held in April.

Written by dr Sebastian Bakalarczyk, Institute of Management


Twenty-three students from Italy, the Czech Republic, Kosovo, Turkey, Croatia, and Malta, as well as five professors and supervisors, visited Lodz University of Technology.

The official opening was made by Rector Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, who, while welcoming the participants, stressed how important internationalization is for our university. The rector also mentioned the high position of TUL in international and national rankings. The opening was also attended by dr inż. Katarzyna Boczkowska, deputy dean for education affairs, and dr inż. Katarzyna Szymańska, deputy dean for student affairs.

During the project, whose main goal is to increase the internationalization of the university and the Faculty, an Intensive International Training Program is carried out, which has already been introduced into the Lodz University of Technology offering. Students are completing a Blended Intensive Course, participating in both distance learning and in-person training in Łódź.