Authored on 06/06/2023 - 12:52
Kategorie aktualności

Students from the Skierniewice Secondary School "Mechanics" painted a street-art style mural promoting learning, at one of the buildings of the TUL's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


Professor Łukasz Kaczmarek, director of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, explains,

'While attending an exhibition held at the OHP (Voluntary Labor Corps) in Skierniewice, which featured the works of the charges of the 5-23 Voluntary Labor Corps, I came to the realization that these young people were very artistically talented. Thus, we invited the young artists, who are not affiliated with our university, to articulate through art how they view studying at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. I was really glad when they had picked up on this idea.’

The final result is quite amazing. One of the walls inside the building is now sporting a mural depicting a fish like mechanical drone. Created by Patrycja Malesa and Ewa Żałoba, who were accompanied on their trip to Łódź by Anna Figat, commander of the Skierniewice Corps.

'Their design combines technology and nature in a rather original way. Students and staff have been truly impressed by the work', says Professor Kaczmarek.

The process of painting the mural provided an unexpected opportunity for integration, when the students of the Faculty Student Council joined in the effort.

Professor Kaczmarek, who is a specialist in materials engineering, draws attention to the fact that

'the mural promoting studying mechanical engineering is to some extent interactive. With the incorporation of UV paint into certain details of the fish, it comes alive at night as well, like a machine that never fails'.

Encouraged by the many praises they received after completing their work, the artists expressed their eagerness to paint more murals promoting other degree programs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. They did not receive any commission for the mural, but, clearly, the pride they take in their creation is priceless.