Authored on 10/19/2021 - 15:19
Kategorie aktualności

For the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, TUL has managed to organize an event that integrated the international academic community of our university.

The project is funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange

A Bite of Culture at TUL is a series of events addressed to students, academic and administrative staff of Lodz University of Technology – both Poles and foreigners, within the project called Welcome TULbox_2.0. The project is funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange as part of the application submitted by TUL International Cooperation Centre under the Welcome to Poland programme.

Studentr in a specially decorated tent pavilion

The first in a series meeting took place on 11-12 October 2021 on campus B, in a specially decorated tent pavilion. The participants, surrounded by haystacks, barrels and lavishly set tables, not only tasted Polish specialities, played games, watched folk music shows or films, but first and foremost they were able to spend time together in the casual atmosphere of Klepacz Park. What is more, the ICC staff and mentors for the full study cycle students were dressed in attractive folk costumes in order to bring the culture and customs of our country closer to foreign guests. The event attracted not only the participants, but also the local media. The coverage of ’TUL Culture Bite’ was broadcast on TVP Łódź, as well as on Radio Plus, Radio Eska and Radio Łódź.

The organisers of the event from ICC TUL are already planning the next integration meetings within the Welcome TULbox_2.0 project, where TUL students and staff representing different cultures and nationalities will meet up again. December, April and June meetings are ahead of us. Each of them will have its own unique character, but the motto will remain the same: "food brings people together".