Authored on 07/07/2023 - 13:48
Kategorie aktualności

Dr inż. Ernest Stano of the Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems, Lodz University of Technology has been recognized with a scholarship for excellent young researchers awarded by the Minister of Education and Science.

The laureate graduated from the Faculty of Electric, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering. He defended his doctoral dissertation with honors last year, just four years of his graduation. The 29-year-old researcher's track record is quite impressive. He has authored and co-authored 24 publications, six patents, and has carried out three research grants.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-chief


Dr inż. Stano runs his research work in collaboration with his supervisor dr. hab. Michał Kaczmarek, TUL prof.

In his words, 'My research explores the problems of transformation of currents and voltages by conventional and unconventional measuring transformers. Furthermore, I study electromagnetic compatibility of electronic devices and systems, including the issue of resistance to electromagnetic interference’.

Particularly noteworthy is dr. inż. Stano's work in the fields of international and domestic standardization efforts involving the technology of manufacturing transformers.

The young researcher points out, New standard requirements are formulated as a result of the development of innovative research methods associated with the accuracy of metering the electricity transmitted in the electric distribution system and measurements of the quality of electricity for distorted currents and voltages. This relates directly to the development of new transformer and metering system designs. The new technical standards provide requirements for the emerging technologies of unconventional transformers and sensors, as well as for the modernization of commonly used inductive transformers. The developed quality-oriented solutions for manufacturers of transformers and sensors significantly improve the quality of electricity distributed to consumers and increase the security of its supply, as well as the proper operation of electrical equipment and accurate billing, and significantly increase the technological quality of manufactured products’.