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Treatment of heavily contaminated industrial wastewater is a tremendous challenge facing our economy. Currently, one of the most promising methods of their recycling, with high implementation potential, is ozonation of wastewater in the presence of a catalyst. This topic of research is dealt with Assoc. Prof. Lucyna Bilińska, who works at the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering , this year's winner of the Scientist of the Future Award, in the category of Future Research.

It is the production of the catalyst that constitutes the most important stage of our project. Cold plasma comes to the aid in the research, thanks to which special thin film catalysts applied to a solid substrate with extensive geometry were created. We have already been able to confirm their effectiveness. Our activities are geared towards developing ready-to-deploy technology that demonstrates potential for commercialization. The thematic area of the project concerns the conservation of water resources. This key goal of sustainable development, can be realized precisely by recycling - says Dr Bilińska, who conducts research at the Department of Molecular Engineering at TUL.

The jury of the Scientist of the Future Award appreciated her project Modern technique for the treatment and recycling of textile wastewater implemented with the use of plasma catalysts , funded by NCBR. In the Small Grant Scheme competition for women, in the area of technical sciences, this project took one of the first two places on the ranking list.

For the research purposes of the project, a special reactor has been developed that allows practical application of the catalyst, also on an industrial scale. - Soon, TEX-WATER-REC technology, is an acronym design, will have a specific outline. We will publish partial results of the research, and all developed technology will be applied for patent, explains the award-winning researcher. The team acting under her direction assumes the possibility of commercializing this method of industrial wastewater treatment. Lucyna Bilińska will receive the prize Scientist of the Future Dr Eng. Lucyna Bilińska during the Intelligent Development Forum in Uniejów, June 6-7, where she will present the results of her research.