Authored on 01/20/2022 - 09:38
Kategorie aktualności

The first building "Alchemium - the magic of tomorrow's chemistry" was officially opened in September last year. The final stage of this largest investment of Lodz University of Technology has just begun.

written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor in chief


The contractor, Alstal Grupa Budowlana, was selected in the tender for construction works in the second stage of the new Faculty of Chemistry building. The relevant contract for the works was signed by the Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik and the company's President, Jarosław Szczupak.

- In the first stage of the investment we handed over the conference and didactic building. The representative auditorium named after Professor Tadeusz Paryjczak was the place of inauguration of the academic year - says rector prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik. - Now we are going to build a part, let's call it the substantive part, where there will be modern chemical laboratories and research rooms. Scientific work and education in the field of chemistry are conducted at a very high level at Lodz University of Technology. The new infrastructure will help raise this level and meet the challenges of the future, and there are many of those in which chemistry plays a key role.

The modern Alchemium building consists of a complex of four buildings with five floors above ground and one underground.

Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Prof. Małgorzata Iwona Szynkowska-Jóźwik adds

- This is a beautiful day, another one we have been waiting for many years. New spaces housing, among others, about 130 laboratories will give us a chance to develop new methods, new technologies. We carry out a lot of projects at the faculty, so the new infrastructure will open up prospects for further development of scientific research and a high level of education.

Alstal Grupa Budowlana has set the cost of the second stage at over PLN 108.7 million. The investment will be financed from a targeted grant of PLN 65.1 million received from the Ministry of Education and Science and from Lodz University of Technology's own resources.

Director of the Lodz branch of Alstal Grupa Budowlanej, Łukasz Jabłoński, emphasised:

- We have a demanding task ahead of us, but I am convinced that all the works will go according to plan and in the second quarter of 2024 all students of the Faculty of Chemistry will be able to use the modern complex. We will make every effort to ensure that the facility will serve generations.

The investment task will be carried out in the "design and build" formula. Three buildings with a usable area of over 10,000 m2 will be constructed. Before the construction begins, part of the building of the Department of Vehicles and Fundamentals of Machine Design must be demolished.
