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Lodz University of Technology and Robotic Medical Solutions Sp. z o.o. have started cooperation on the development of a new product - an orthopaedic miniature measuring arm for intraoperative measurements. The project has received funding from the European Union.


Total hip replacement is one of the most frequently performed implant surgeries in the world. One of the main problems - so far not satisfactorily solved - is the measurement during hip replacement surgery of whether there is a change in the position of the femur. The difference in the length of the lower limbs is one of the post-operative complications that reduce the expected improvement in quality of life.

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The project worth nearly PLN 4.3 million will be implemented at the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. EU co-financing amounts to over 3.81 million zlotys. The works are planned to be completed in December 2023.

As the project manager Prof. Leszek Podsędkowski explains

- Our goal is to design, implement and manufacture an innovative medical device. While realising the project we will carry out metrological research and medical experiments allowing for the development of a structure and software of an orthopaedic miniature measuring arm useful during hip joint prosthesis implantation operations. It will be designed to measure length change and lateral movement of the lower limb. The arm will be small, easy and quick to use and will not significantly prolong the operation. The first part of the research will be concerned with fitting the design to its fabrication in injection moulding technology guaranteeing adequate repeatability.
The main part of the research will be medical experiments to verify the correct attachment and operation of the arm. Designs of specialist stations for calibration and testing of arms during mass production and technological instrumentation for this production will also be developed and verified on prototypes.