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Students of applied computer science at Lodz University of Technology specialising in computer graphics and multimedia will, together with the S3D-vnLAB Studio Team from Lodz Film School, create a stereoscopic film in the puppet technique with the use of virtual scenography.

The beneficiary and coordinator of the project is Lodz Film School. The S3D-vnLAB Studio was established as part of the pilot competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (currently the Ministry of Education and Science) "Regional Initiative of Excellence", which received a grant to create a modern, multimedia Visual Narrative Laboratory. The school invited Assoc. Professor Piotr Napieralski, Professor at the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics:

I have been invited to cooperate in the production of special effects and virtual scenography for a stereoscopic film and to conduct research with the vnLAB team. The research will be the starting point for a textbook on stereoscopy in stop-motion animation, which will be prepared at the end of the research process. The joint work will also result in a stereoscopic film. The premiere of the film IN SIDE and the textbook is planned for 2023.

Zespół z PŁ realizujący projekt ze szkołą filmową, fot. FTIMS

Prof. Napieralski has chosen his best applied computer science students to carry out the project: Aleksandra Ścisławska, Marek Kulicki and Jakub Klepacz, who, apart from their artistic skills, have programming skills, which has repeatedly helped speed up the post-production process.

The S3D Studio has been exploring the artistic potential of stereoscopy for over a year, implementing a series of visual experiments in the technique of stop-motion animation. Using a highly specialized motion control robot dedicated to "stop motion" techniques, the team of the studio will produce, among other things, a short film entitled "IN SIDE".


Film and stereoscopy have been the subject of research at the Institute of Computer Science since the nineties of the last century. Cooperation with the film school allows us to broaden our knowledge and to implement interesting interdisciplinary projects - explains Professor Napieralski.