Zdjęcie portretowe: prof. dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Śliżewska

Professor Katarzyna Śliżewska (discipline: food and nutrition technology, Web of Science Core Collection: h-index - 22, number of publications - 68, number of citations - 2 639. SciVal: Output in 10% Citation Percentiles (%) - 27.3%. Normalised Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) for publications from 2020-2023 - 2.03).

Her main research topic and interests are probiotics of human and animal origin, prebiotics and synbiotics. Her main scientific achievements include the selection of probiotic strains according to FAO/WHO and EFSA guidelines, the characterisation of prebiotic substances and health-promoting preparations and the evaluation of their efficacy in clinical trials (human, experimental and farm animals). She also conducts research on the detoxification of harmful substances. Her most important application achievements include the implementation of the probiotic formula LATOPIC for humans and LAVIPAN for animals.

Her scientific output includes 9 monographs, 22 chapters in monographs, 120 publications, 26 patents, 220 papers and conference reports, as well as many expert reports, opinions and reviews, performed for research funding institutions, universities and companies.

She has acted as manager of research projects funded by the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR).

She is the supervisor of 5 completed doctoral theses.

She has held several Polish and foreign internships, both scientific and industrial. She has repeatedly participated in the organisational and scientific committees of national and international conferences.

For her achievements in scientific and organisational work she was repeatedly awarded by the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, she received the Special Award of the Rector of TUL for her contribution to the development of agricultural sciences at Lodz University of Technology and she received 3 awards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for scientific projects, 1 silver and 5 gold medals at international invention exhibitions.