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PhD stipendee - Department of Molecular Physics, Lodz University of Technology

Unit: Department of Molecular Physics, Lodz University of Technology

Position name: PhD stipendee

We offer: a high level of scientific research, modern equipment, work in an international research group, cooperation with leading research centers in Poland and abroad, constant contact with a research supervisor/supervisor, the opportunity to obtain a scholarship for the entire period of doctoral studies.

Description of tasks: The winner of the competition will participate in the implementation of a scientific project titled: "The fourth generation of OLED emitters, how to adapt, optimize and control hyperfluorescence" (contract number: UMO-2022/45/B/ST5/03712) financed by the National Science Center in Krakow and conducted at the Department of Molecular Physics. The main tasks of the doctoral student will include: he/she will conduct electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical characterisation of synthesized compounds. Investigation of charge carriers involved during doping process. Person will analyze the investigated compounds by electrochemical methods to determine their oxidation and reduction potentials and assess the electrochemical stability of these organic compounds. In the next step he/she will apply spectroelectrochemical measurements in order to determine basic parameters such as: energy gap or changes in spectra during electrochemical doping. He/she will conduct complex in situ studies of the doping process of investigated systems using EPR, UV-Vis- NIR, Fluorescence, Time-resolved fluorescence and Raman coupled with electroanalytical techniques. He/she will characterize doping induced spin-bearing species as well as static and dynamic in-situ spectroelectrochemical paramagnetic properties of investigated systems. These studies will include qualitative and quantitative analyses of doping process parameters combining the results of electrochemical and spectroscopic studies. Phd stipendee will conduct the physicochemical spectroscopic analysis in order to elucidate the delayed fluorescence process. In the end PhD student will be able to form and characterize OLED devices.


  1. Completed master's studies in chemistry, nanotechnology, physics or related fields.
  2. Basic knowledge of spectroscopic and electrochemical methods
  3. Experience in experimental work in the field of physical chemistry, electrochemistry, photophysics.
  4. Good knowledge of English.
  5. Experience in implementing research projects is desirable.

Required documents:

  • Motivation letter
  • CV
  • Documents confirming that the Candidate meets the conditions listed in the requirements (certificates, certificates, etc.).

Please include the following clause in your CV: "I consent to the processing of my personal data by the Lodz University of Technology for the purposes of the recruitment process (in accordance with the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000)) and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR)) ".


Scholarship in the maximum amount of PLN 5,000/month from: October 1, 2024. The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the Regulations for awarding research scholarships in research projects financed by the National Science Center, applicable to the OPUS23 competition.

Additional information:

The competition is open. Formal evaluation of the application will be based on the requirements listed above. In the substantive evaluation of candidates, the following will be of key importance: the candidate's scientific achievements, including publications in renowned publishing houses/scientific journals (50% of the final grade); achievements resulting from conducting scientific research, scholarships, awards and scientific experience gained in Poland or abroad, workshops and scientific training, participation in research projects (20% of the final grade); competences to carry out specific tasks in the research project (30% of the final grade).

Recruitment will take place in two stages.

Stage 1 - assessment of submitted applications and documents. Candidates with the highest grade will be invited to an interview. Stage 2 - candidate's interview with the committee.

If you are interested in working in the project, please submit your offers to the e-mail address of the project manager: prof. Ph.D. engineer Przemysław Dates: Deadline for accepting applications: 30.06.2024.