Name of the unit: Department of Structural Mechanics K64, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering - Lodz University of Technology
Position name: PhD student / research scholarship
- master's degree in civil engineering, doctoral student status at the time of starting the scholarship, knowledge in the field of structural mechanics,
- knowledge of the Finite Element Method and the ability to use FEM systems in engineering issues,
- knowledge of probabilistic methods in mechanics, in particular the Stochastic Perturbation Method,
- basic knowledge of the mechanics of composite and cellular materials.
Description of tasks:
Solution of the research problems provided in the project entitled "Probabilistic entropy in engineering computations";
Head: prof. Marcin Kamiński, Lodz University of Technology.
Main research tasks of the project:
Stochastic analysis and modeling of reliability, as well as probabilistic entropy in modeling, design and analysis of materials and cellular structures.
NCN competition type: OPUS
Deadline for submitting offers: June 10, 2024
Form of submitting offers: email
Conditions of employment:
- PLN 2,500 per month - scholarship period: 18 months - starting from June 15, 2024.
Additional information:
The application should include:
- Curriculum Vitae (including a list of scientific articles, conference presentations, awards, international internships, scholarships, workshops, participation in research projects)
- cover letter (containing a short description of the candidate's scientific interests, main advantages and achievements of the candidate, and motivation to work in the project).
Applications should be sent to: Marcin.Kamiń in PDF format. The title should include: OPUS scholarship holder. The documentation submitted by the candidates will be assessed by a committee chaired by the project manager. Selected candidates may be invited to an interview. It is possible to have a conversation via the MsTeams or telephone. The final decision of the committee will be presented to the candidates via e-mail no later than 14 days after the competition results.
Date of the advertisement publication: May 8, 2024.