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Two PhD students - Controlled crystallization for trap-limited charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors Project is carried out within the National Since Centre – OPUS 25

Position in the project: Two PhD students

Scientific discipline: Physic, material science, polymer engineering, solid state physics, chemistry

Job type (employment contract / stipend): PhD stipend

Number of job offers: 2

Remuneration / stipend amount / month: 3 500 – 5 000 PLN according to ISD rules (

Position starts on: 1st October 2024

Maximum period of contract / stipend agreement: 4 year

Institution: Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology

Project leader: Dr. Tomasz Marszalek

Project title: 

Controlled crystallization for trap-limited charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors Project is carried out within the National Since Centre – OPUS 25

Project description: 

In the frame of submitted proposal and international cooperation, we would like to prove that by controlling the conditions of the semiconductor layer deposition process, we are able to control the quality of the layers, and thus the electrical parameters of fabricated devices. The most important point of the conducted research is the use of theoretical simulations to describe the phenomena that occur in the process and its correlation with experimental data. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to understand the process of ordering molecules in the active layer depending on their chemical structure, the type of substrate and the deposition parameters. Using the acquired knowledge, the optimal processing window for each type of semiconductor (taking into account the difference in molecular organization induced by chemical structure) will be defined, which will ensure the high quality of the

produced layers, which will then be responsible for high-efficiency field-effect transistors. The final stage of the project will be the fabrication of demonstrator consisting two connected transistors in one electronic circuit showing the application possibilities of the obtained results.

Key responsibilities include:

  1. Fabrication of trap-free semiconducting layer
  2. Characterization of fabricated active layers by: atomic force microscopy, X-ray techniques, field effect studies
  3. Writing reports and publications

Profile of candidates / requirements:


  1. Master degree in chemistry, physics, material science or related fields.
  2. Status of a PhD student or eligibility for PhD studies at Faculty of Chemistry Lodz University of Technology
  3. Experience and interest in semiconductor physics
  4. Good English language skills (written and oral) as required for scientific environment

Desirable skills:

  1. Experience in
    1. manufacture of organic semiconductors thin films,
    2. atomic force microscopy and/or optical spectroscopy and/or X-ray analysis,
    3. electrical measurements of organic semiconductors  6. Experience in working in a tea
  2. Experience in working in a team

Required documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae (in English) documenting achievements, scientific degree, publication, technical skills, research stays and other relevant experience
  2. Motivation letter (in English) documenting motivation and the most important scientific achievement of the candidate
  3. Records on previous education and certificates (Master, Bachelor or Diploma) with official confirmation (a, b and c)*

*a) a legalized, including by a Polish consular office operating in the country of issuance of the document (or with an apostille clause) confirming the course of first- and second-cycle studies (supplement or Transcript of Records referred to in 1 (5);

*b) certified translation (into Polish or English) of the documents if the originals of these documents have been issued in a language other than Polish or English (the submission of a certified translation of documents does not replace the obligation to submit the original documents in the language in which they were issued by the university)

*c) a statement from the University reading: "the Applicant's second-cycle diploma entitles the Applicant to apply for the award of a doctoral degree in the country where the diploma was issued";

We offer:

  1. Excellent opportunity to extend and enrich personal scientific career track and acquiring new skills
  2. Appointment starting 1st October 2024, funding guaranteed for 4 year
  3. Opportunity of internships in Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research – Mainz (Germany) and
  4. Participation in scientific conferences and meetings
  5. Results obtained during working on this project will be expected to become basis of PhD thesis.
  6. Fellowship according to the International Doctoral School

Please submit the following documents to:

Dr. Tomasz Marszalek
phone.: +175 876 87 02
Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology /

Application deadline: 14th July 2024

For more details about the position please visit (website / webpage address):

Please include in your offer:

“I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922 as amended.”